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5,873 Years Ago...Year 2099

In Emerald City loud police sirens rang throughout of the city as many soldiers and police officers scurried along every corners of the place, then so suddenly a black blur shot across he pathways with many soldiers in military jeeps in tow. It was Shadow the hedgehog also known as the Ultimate Lifeform— but despite the troops behind him he had done nothing wrong in fact he was working on some papers when some of the other agents suddenly barged in his office and saying to surrender.

"Shadow the hedgehog! Put your hands in the air immediately! " a booming voice from a microphone ordered "What is wrong with these humans?! " he hissed and kept running but with a shot leg and arm he was getting slower and every second giving the armed soldiers an advantage. "Stop and drop to your knees! Commander's orders! " it boomed again, yes of course the new leading commander of G.U.N the nephew of the recent Commander Abraham Tower. The guy hated Shadow's gut but didn't know why, there was no reason for him to be captured and either put back to that incubator or executed but even so he will not let them get him, he's been working for them for half a century! Certainly he did nothing wrong, this is all a mistake, a practical joke, nothing more.

That is, if I was lying.

He sharply skidded to a turn as bullets shot past him to only find himself trapped in a corner, a wall behind and beside him with trashcans and garbage around him, great he has no way out of this, perfect just perfect.

The soldiers quickly ran to him eyeing them as they surrounded him "We got you now terrorist. " one of the soldiers said maniacally "What did I do to deserve this? " they did not answer as they raised and aimed their guns at him, Shadow hissed at the pain from his shot limbs, they wouldn't heal and it worsened. He glared at them as some of them slightly trembled "Be brave men! " the soldier in-charge said, they tightened their grips on their guns, they were about shoot at him when Shadow round house kicked their guns away from them but some still held them quite tightly, with his two hands clutched to a fist he punch them straight in their faces before doing a proper uppercut and then doing a jab in their chests, Shadow's fists was painful as hell but what was worse was his bleeding left arm, he did a roundhouse and a straight kick after as the soldiers dropped to their knees while clutching the bruised parts of their bodies. He was about to kick one more time but was punched from behind, he stumbled growling he turned around to see a few S.W.A.T in front of him and was met by hard batons on his back and sides and was harshly pushed to the wall the soldier in-charge smirked and stepped closer to him, they were only a few meters apart as the soldier held a fist and punched him before kicking him in his abdomen as the ebony hedgehog hissed in pain. 

"What's wrong the 'Ultimate Lifeform'? " he taunted but Shadow only glared daggers to him "Not so 'ultimate' now are 'ya? Those scientists did a great job on making the formula, huh? " the captain loaded a pistol as Shadow helplessly stood up making the wall his support.

"Formula? What formula? " he thought confused "What..." he paused and panted, he did not want to ask what it was but it can't be helped, he was suddenly attacked in his office and then there's a formula? What is this? Some kind of science fiction?

The captain smirked "Those dweeb scientists made a formula just for you and it's called 'Anti-form Virus'— " he was cut off by a S.W.A.T member "Hey! Don't tell him! " he said but the captain just scoffed "It's not like he's going to escape, he's going to die anyway. " he turned his attention back to the ebony lifeform as the S.W.A.T sighed ."Now where was I? Ah, yes the Anti-form Virus makes you to 'not heal' and it eats your flesh. " he told him aiming the now loaded pistol at him as the others followed suit "Goodbye forever, Shadow the hedgehog! " he pulled the trigger as the ebony dodged them all by teleporting but unfortunately was transferred back to where he was originally standing before, Shadow panted heavily— his energy was getting dangerously low and his two shot wounds was added by another three and it was still amazing because he was still standing even though with those many wounds.

His hand slowly crept to his long ebony quills grabbing a red chaos emerald while the soldiers changed their magazines and took notice of what the other is doing "No! " he shouted while the ebony lifeform smirked "Chaos..." he raised the emerald in the air as the soldier aimed at him "Control! " hundreds of bullets were released as a bright shine of light appeared, holes covered the walls of each building and a small pool of blood remained on the floor, the captain smirked.

"Wrong move. "



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