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Shadow's eyes shot open as he gasped for air and reluctantly sat up and held his throat, "Where...where am I? " he said coughing as he looked around, he was in a room filled with white furniture and to what it looked was a dresser with a mirror in front of it that had golden edges that was carved in different patterns same with the headboard and the sides, the bed had a white mattress, red curtains and canopy with gold trimmings , the wood was a rich and smooth oak that was painted white, almost every furniture and cloth was either colored or painted with white and gold color. The room looked like it belonged to a royal's and speaking of which, where was he? How is he inside a room filled with treasury and furniture that seemed like it came from the greatest carving shop ever? He was in an old temple and-...wait.

He shoved the white sheet away from his chest as he felt that there was no wounds or scars, how was he alive? He was shot in the chest wasn't he? And what about his other bruises and other dozen wounds? Shadow didn't know what was happening, he was inside a room suddenly not in that temple, his wounds and bruises was healed and almost gone as if they were never there or were there in the first place, he felt a strange vibe in the place he was and what's with all the white? Where was he anyway? Did someone take him here? What would that person want with him? Wasn't he dead just minutes ago?

Hundreds of questions rang through his head but despite all of those he got off from the bed and suddenly felt cold and chilly, he looked down at his feet to only see his socks, where was his shoes? He looked around saw his said jet-shoes atop of a chair as he went to it and grabbed the pair before putting them on, they smelled nice and was shining, maybe they were washed? He then noticed his hands were also uncovered "What the..? " he asked himself and looked around for his gloves and saw them sitting on the small dresser that sat across the room on the left, they were folded neatly and were washed as well and put them but even with his gloves and shoes he was still cold, that was strange his chaos energy inside him should provide him some heat, he spotted some clothes when he started to open the drawer of the dresser and found a few clothing as he put them on. Shadow looked at himself he was wearing a short overcoat, leather- metal shoulderpads on his right shoulder, two strap-like belts across his chest from his right shoulder and the intersecting to his stomach wrapping it and light brown pants, he looked like someone from the midieval times. Many things came around his mind but set them aside his first priority was to find out where he was, second was to get out of here because the place was starting to get uncomfortable.

A/N: Shadow looks like the picture above and never mind the mask and bandages on his face and quills, I'm not that good at describing, okay?! Now that is said and done...Let's continue the story shall we? 

 The ebony hedgehog walked up to the wide doors of the room and once he got out he was met by ivory painted hallways. He walked out and shielded his eyes from the sun that was shining through the wide windows that had white metal frames, he felt some presences not too far away and followed it, he looked at the walls that was covered with strange chandeliers and lamps, the wall held huge paintings that portrayed strange looking humans it seemed that they all had elongated ears, different eye colors that ordinary humans cannot have or they can even obtain, all of them had long hairs with different colored hues too and wearing strange looking clothing as well, it was indeed strange.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2020 ⏰

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