One of None

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Shadow arrived at an unknown temple in the a forest that seemed to be covered in thick vines and roots all over as it started to rain hard, desperate he limped towards the stairs and went inside trying to get away from the harsh blowing of the winds, panting heavily he carefully knelt down to rest his throbbing legs that felt like they were being slowly ripped apart from his body and his arms felt like they were crushed bone by bone, he hissed at them. His mind was foggy and couldn't think well either resulting from the massive amount of blood he lost as he looked around the temple looked a little bit more like a church inside and was covered in some kinds of marking and symbols including the vines and roots, he spotted a pond-like pool in the center as he stood up the pain worsened but he needs to rinse off the blood that covered his wounds and fur or he will get infected by dangerous virus or bacterium.

He dragged himself away from the exit as the winds grew more violent and rain like drops of rocks from the sky, it seemed to be a strong storm maybe coming from the south. He then felt a sharp pain coming from his chest as he clutched his gloved hand to the spot then he collapsed to his knees and groaning from the impact, his legs were now like jelly and unable to move and his arms shook terribly, his knuckles white under the dirt covered gloves and his head was throbbing like no tomorrow. He suddenly coughed covering his lips with his right hand and tasted a bitter flavor in his mouth and saw red stains in his white gloves "No...the gunshot..." he collapsed entirely dead center of the church-like temple, biting his lip and drawing the red liquid from it as it rained harder. "I am sorry Maria... " he chocked the bitter taste still in his mouth taunting him "I'm sorry that I...but I did it, right? I made them happy, right...?" he coughed up thick globs of blood as his vision began to get blurry "I gave them a chance......right? " a small smile crept to his tan muzzle, he reached for the red emerald beside him and gripped it in his hands close to his chest, even though he had the emerald it was no use.

He felt cold and useless, what a pathetic way to die, him. The Ultimate Lifeform well, at least he can go see his friends again, to laugh and talk to them again it would be amazing just to see them again. The echo of water drops inside the temple was the only sound heard besides Shadow's voice hitching, he sighed contently as a single tear slid down his cheeks before emanate his last breath as orbs of light started surrounding him.

The temple floor began to turn and twist as columns suddenly appeared from the ground followed by five beings "Is he truly the one? "

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter guys! the next one will be a little short too but don't worry I will be able to continue this story somehow it will just be a little bit long before I can really do a proper one 'cause I'm still thinking of it. 

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