Heaven and Earth

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Shadow was standing in the middle of the woods orbs floating around him, he couldn't remember what happened, what is this place anyway? Somehow he felt like he had been to this place but never was, there was no forest like this in the world, it felt like it wasn't real but he was seeing it and it was beautiful, tall trees roared from the heights and it sounded like the wind was singing, what and where is this place?

He heard a very faint voice from afar "Is anyone else here? Maybe I can ask? " he said to himself as he followed the voice "-dow! " he heard it again and started to walk faster, the voice was very faint but as he got closer he heard it a little bit more clear "Shadow! " that voice it was familiar, he ran. "Shadow! " the voice got louder and louder, he almost tripped but quickly balanced himself and turned "Shadow! " a blue image soon started to clear up from the distance and when he got close his eyes was wide as dinner plates and tears cornered up in his eyes "Maria? "

He ran towards the blonde haired girl and hugged her tight, for the first time in 396 years he finally saw her again, his sister and best friend, Maria. He sobbed as the girl held him tight tears also rolled down her cheeks, smiles both in their features "Maria! " he cried as she wiped the tears away from his cheeks, his mouth trembled. The girl was wearing a blue dress and a dark blue blouse she was still young and beautiful as ever, even after three centuries. "I missed you.." he said "I missed you too Shadow. " Maria said as they stood up straight as she held his hand and started leading "Where are we going? " he asked "Somewhere beautiful! " she replied.

The moonlight helped to let them go through the forest unharmed and to not get lost but if the moon wasn't out it wouldn't be a problem, Maria knew of this place since a long time time ago.

"Beautiful.." he gasped at the scene before him, they arrived at a meadow of blue flowers and tall grass "Come on! " Maria grabbed his hand and dragged him to a clearing with shorter grass and plentiful of blue blooms, it was like the flower Maria used to tell stories about that it was so beautiful and so pure it could cure any kind of secrets, that it comes from the center of the ocean blooming from the surface of the water like the land flowers of earth and of course, shadow would have gotten it for her.


The five beings stood in a circular pattern surrounding the unconscious ebony hedgehog before them "Poor thing...he must had gone a lot." one said and the other four nodded in sorrow. The five beings was not just five ordinary people they were gods to be precise and the one who spoke was the god of nature named Arkelhim, second was the god of life and light named Ilstelfir, third was the god of elements named Igdrezil, third was the god of death and darkness named Hades and last but not least, the god of chaos named Irkenheilm.

"He is the one Ilstelfir, I'm sure of it. " Arkelhim said "He is our last hope after all. " Hades added "But is he going to make it? " asked Igdrezil "Of course, let's be patient. " Ilstelfir told him "Ever since Solaris had been released, we had grown weak. " he said looking away from the others and focusing his eyes on the heavy rain that fell from the sky "She is our only hope for him to come back but we don't know what will happen...we can only pray for her to convince him. " they nodded to his statement and waited.

Back with Maria and Shadow...

The two sat in silence in the middle of the meadow of the Blue Blooms, Maria told him about the place except for which part of the world they were in, which was quiet and had a nice feeling to the place and it was refreshing too. The ebony lifeform stared into the distance before him, the place was amazing it was fresh and lush that it felt like he was in another world and time didn't felt like time was even ticking in the place, it was like it stopped and it didn't ever existed besides the place was between the upper heavens and of the land of sorcery and magic, Vanaheim.

The two sat next to each other and chatted for what it seemed like hours, Shadow sighed feeling relieved to see her again after 399 years of him living and sleeping for 350 years, it indeed has been long and the feeling of having your friends weaken and wither in front of you is just a nightmare to the brim and not knowing when they will just disappear to the sands of time, a nightmare indeed. "Let's stay here forever, this place is peaceful and with you, it truly is like a dream. " he smiled but the girl stayed quiet and didn't move, she bit her bottom lip and looked at him dead in the eyes "You can't. " she deadpanned as the other sat up with a surprised expression and his eyes filled with concern "Maria? " he asked hoping he didn't hear it right those two words would just destroy everything again and restarting the nightmare one more time and it has been too long.

"Maria, what are- " he was cut off "You can't Shadow, I'm sorry. " she said out loud, they looked at each other and each held unexplainable expressions in their faces "W...what are you talking about? " his voice cracked slightly "Y...you can't stay here, they still need you. " she replied looking away from him as tears began to fill her eyes and he stood up "What are you talking about? " he laughed nervously as his tears ran down his cheeks and held his head. Maria looked at him worriedly and stood up and walked up to him before hugging the ebony hedgehog and the other broke down as she carefully tightened her hands around him "Why? " he asked "Because they still need you..." she whispered "How could they need me?! They killed you! They always wanted me dead!! How could they...even need...me? " he chocked between sobs and tears and in the verge of close insanity by just those words.

How can the humans need him? he's been running away from them for almost half a century in his awakening after 350 years and after witnessing his own best friend's death? Humans were always selfish, judging, cruel, and other form of abomination and monstrosity that describes them. They killed Maria, they imprisoned Professor Gerald, they killed everyone that was aboard on ARK, they sent him to suspended animation, they betrayed him, they chased and almost killed him many times, he joined them for a reason meaning he forgave them for all they did for those past years of them hunting him down, he destroyed his last and entire kind for them, he plunged to earth from space for them, he did missions for them but what did they do? They betrayed him doing almost everything that they did from the past to him again like a loop, it was sickening and now the girl that he loved for all his life tells him that the humans needs him? The humans that shot and killed her? The humans that tortured her grandfather to insanity? The humans that acted as his demons? What kind of world he was in? Hell, Heaven and then finally the 'beautiful' world called.........earth?

"I know, I know but they truly need you, you may never know how and why but surely you can figure it out by yourself? " she asked "You are the Ultimate Lifeform after all. " she said still hugging him "But I'll be alone again... " Shadow's voice was little but with the deafening silence in the place they were in and despite his and Maria's sobs it can be heard clearly "I will have no one to talk to anymore, I can't make any friends....they will be going away too... " he said gripping her dress and she nodded, she nodded in understanding. "I know...I know but you can always make new friends, you can always befriend someone...someone who can understand you..." she said and looked at him as he sniffled "Everyone needs someone in their lives...even you. " Maria wiped the tears in his cheeks as he nodded "But... " he paused "Hm? " she hummed "But what about you? Won't you be alone too? " she smiled "No, I won't be don't worry. " Shadow had a confused face "What do you mean? " he asked "I have grandfather and the others too. " she replied again he looked confused "Others?" the wind passed gently making his and Maria's ebony striped quills and long her blonde hair sway gently. "Your friends, they all told me about you, especially Rouge! " she said as his eyes widened "Really? You met them? " he asked leaning closer and she nodded "Yes, your friends were really nice, Shadow. " she said to him.

They both stood up as Maria hugged him "Maria? " she didn't answer as he heard her sniffle "What's wrong? " and unnoticeably a tear sled down as he started to glow a white aura around his body "W...what's happening to me? " he started to float slipping away from the blonde girl "Maria! Help me- Maria? " he looked at her she was......crying?

"Good luck Shadow...promise you will  always remember us...will you? " she asked "Of course Maria but- " he started to grow a distance away from "G...good luck and-...goodbye. " his hand slipped away from her, she had a sad smile on her face as the other tried to come back to her but it was no use, he can't do anything but see the girl in front of him disappear as he was covered in a bright light...

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