The Bracelet

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A figure, much like the one that Taehyung had Encountered, Was just Staring at Tae. Saying nothing. Tae looked around but saw Nothing but Darkness and The figure in front of him. "What do you want from me!?!?" Tae asked, desperate for Answers. The figure then Slightly raised his hand until it met at Their Chest level and Said in a Raspy Tone "save me". Taehyung was about to ask what they meant by that when he was Suddenly Engulfed By a white light. Taehyung then woke up, gasping for air. "It was all a Dream?" He thought to himself. Jimin then wakes up next to him, a bit Tired from the sudden wake-up. "Tae, what's Wrong?" Jimin said. "N-nothing, just a bad dream" Tae said. Jimin looks at the alarm Clock and says "Crap, I'm gonna be late for my class. Why do they even have classes at 9:00 am?". "Wait, What?" Tae Says. He looks at the clock that read 8:45 am and Springs up from his bed. "CRAP, I HAVE A HISTORY EXAM AT 9:30!". Both Jimin and Taehyung Rush To get ready as they both will be late. They manage to go out the door on time. But before they could Sprint to their Respective Classes, Jimin pulled Tae by his arm and Pecked him on the cheek. Taehyung Blushed And Said "Good Luck Mochi~". "Good luck TaeTae~" Jimin said back. And then they both Ran off to their Classes.

~Time Skip: a couple hours later~

The bell rings and Jimin Races Out Of the door. He wants to see Taehyung, Bad. He missed him so much. All he could think about was Seeing Taehyung. But as He was walking (Well, more like running), He bumped into a Hooded Figure wearing all black. Jimin drops his books. The figure said nothing, But Picked up one of the books and gives it to Jimin. "Thank you" Jimin says. The figure Nods and Walks Away. Jimin then Notices a Bracelet On top of one of his books. He thought it belonged to the Figure. But when he looked around for the Person who helped him, he Couldn't see them anymore. Jimin looks down at the Bracelet, It looks like a Normal Brown String Bracelet with a Pretty Rock-type Bead strung onto it. Jimin decides to keep it for now, as the main office would be closed by the time he gets there. "I'll turn this in Tomorrow Morning Before Class." He thought to himself. Jimin Then Jogs the rest of the way to his Dorm.

~At the Dorm~

Taehyung is sitting on the couch when Jimin walked in. "Hey, Jimin?" Taehyung said. "Yeah?" Jimin responded. "Can we talk?" Taehyung said as Jimin sat next to him. "Sure, about what?". Jimin said. "About the kiss" Tae said in Low voice. "Oh yeah, that...." Jimin said in a soft tone, "Well, it was a spur-of-the-moment type of thing. I didn't want you to be stressed so much about Exams, and I've held these feelings for so long that it just...poured out of me I guess?". Taehyung just stared at Jimin with a blank look on his face. Jimin started to feel a little guilty about the whole situation. He felt he came on too strong. Taehyung broke the Silence, "Jimin, it's not like I don't like you or anything. I'm just scared I might not be a good boyfriend. I haven't been in a Serious Relationship before. And I just don't know how to do this Boyfriend Thing.". Jimin stared at him. "I mean after Yoongi, I didn't think I would ever be able to trust anyone again. But at the time, I could only trust you. And I guess I kinda started to develop feelings for you. I get why your scared and trust me, I am too! I just want to be with you and no one else. Just You Tae.". Taehyung started to Tear up at Jimin's thoughtful words. Jimin scooter Closer to Taehyung and have him a hug. Taehyung Pulled Away And kisses Jimin softly on the Lips. Jimin started to Blush and kissed him back. They both pull away from each other, smiling. Then Jimin reaches in his pocket and takes out the Bracelet he Found earlier that day. "W-whats this?." Taehyung asks surprised. "Let's just say, that this Bracelet is a sign of my love. Taehyung, from this day on I pledge my love to you and only you." Jimin says as he Slides the Bracelet onto Taehyung's Wrist. Taehyung turns red in the face and kisses Jimin once again.


Word count: 782 Words

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