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~Time Skip: 2 weeks~

It is the First week of the New semester, Winter is coming. Everyone can feel it. From the Leaves falling from the trees to show its Bare Base, To the fireplaces being lit in people's homes. The Dorms At Jimin And Taehyung's College were filled with Christmas Cheer. The hallways were Decorated with Garlands and Wreaths Were hanged on every Door. The scent of Hot chocolate from the Student Cafe fills the air. Jimin was sitting at his desk, with a Guilty look on his face. He stared at his Exam Paper with disappointment in himself. A 79% was written on the top in Red ink. Jimin stared at the paper, He quickly Put it underneath some books when he Heard Taehyung Come in their Dorm. "Jimin-ssi!!!" Taehyung Shouted, "Come into the Living room, I have a surprise for you!". Curious, Jimin Went Out Of their Shared Bedroom And Saw Taehyung holding two Matching Couple shirts. One saying "I belong to Jimin" and the other saying "I'm Jimin". Taehyung Shows his Boxy Smile And says "Well? What do you think?". Jimin chuckles, "I love it TaeTae!". "Good, Because we're going to wear it To classes tomorrow!". "Wait, Really?" Jimin said surprised. "Yeah!," Taehyung Said, "Don't you want to?". "Yeah I do it's just....I'm worried that people might judge us, being that Korea isn't LGBTQ+ Friendly." Jimin said. " I know, and I don't care. We should be free to Express ourselves however we Damn please. And if people have a problem with that, So what?". Taehyung Said Proudly. Jimin teared Up a Little at his words. "You're right, C'mon lets try them on." Jimin said Delightfully. Taehyung Smiled And Gave him his shirt.

~The next day~

Jimin and Taehyung Are walking down the Halls with their Cute Matching couple T-shirts while holding hands. Jimin is blushing but Taehyung is proud. They get dirty looks from people they pass by. "Oh my god, ew." "They're gay? Is that even allowed?" "They're both going to hell.", those were the whispers they heard as they walk the un-friendly Halls. When they turned a Corner they were stopped by A school Official. "Excuse me Sirs, But That isn't allowed on Campus." The Official Says as he points to Jimin and Taehyung Holding hands, "It clearly states in the Rules that no Public displays of affection are allowed on Campus, Especially if it Includes Homosexual Acts.". Taehyung could feel Jimin's Rage Going off. "Well sir, I don't believe that rule is being enforced Enough. Seeing as there is a Couple making out right behind you." Taehyung quickly says. The official Looks back and Does see a Girl and a Boy Making Out on the couches in the student lounge. "Well, They're Different." The Official Says. "Different How?" Taehyung Asks. The official is struggling to Find his words When Taehyung cuts him off. "Is it because we're gay and they're not?". The official is Speechless and he took out his Notebook filled with Empty slips. "You just talked back to an official, that's Detention sir.", The Official Gabe him a slip when all of a sudden Jimin Punches The Official Right in the Mouth. The official Falls to the ground as Everyone Else in the hallway Turns to look. A student wearing a black hood Came with the Headmaster of the school behind them. The figure points and the Headmaster sees what happened. "YOU TWO. IN MY OFFICE. NOW." The headmaster Shouts. The official gets up and the Headmaster Gestures him to follow. Jimin and Taehyung Hold theirs hands tightly as they walk through the Halls.

~At the Headmasters Office~

Jimin and Taehyung are sitting outside the office as the Official Explains what Happened inside with the Headmaster. "T-Taehyung?" Jimin says in a low tone, "I'm sorry if I got you suspended. I didn't mean too, it's just that Official Was just treating us so Unfairly and I-.", Taehyung cut him off. "Jimin, really It's okay! I'm kinda glad that you punched him. Whatever happens just know that we both Won't do it alone ok?". Jimin nods and Gives Taehyung a Light peck on the lips. Just then The Official Heads Out Of the office and gives Taehyung and Jimin a Dirty Look. The Headmaster Gestures For Taehyung And Jimin to go inside. Still Holding hands, the couple Enters the room to meet their Inevitable Doom. "Please have a Seat." The Headmaster Says. The couple Sits in the two Chairs in front of his Desk, still holding hands. "Now, about your Situation." The Headmaster Explains, " Mr. Kim Taehyung, You broke Three School Rules, 1: Showing Disrespect towards a School Official, 2: Showing Public displays of Affection, and 3: Perfoming Homosexual Acts On Schools Grounds. Mr. Park Jimin has also Violated these rules Expect He Proceeded to Strike a School Official. I was Going to suspend you two. But when I heard that the Rule was not being Enforced, given that there was a couple near showing Public displays of Affection, I will let you two off with a warning. However, You two will serve Mandatory Detention Afterschool for the Next 3 Weeks. After Classes you both will Report to Room A-27. Do you both Understand?". Taehyung and Jimin Nod In Agreement. "Good, now Boys I know you two have feelings for each other but please refrain from Showing affection on school Grounds. You may wear matching outfits but you Can not and Will not Hold hands, Kiss, Make Out or any other types of Affection. Do you both understand?". "Yes Sir" the couple days in Unison. "Good, You May Proceed to your next Class. I will write you both a Report." The Headmaster Says. "And don't worry, That Official Will be Punished for not enforcing the School laws and that Couple will be Punished as Well." The Headmaster Gives a Smile as he Writes their Tardy Slips.

~Time Skip: a couple hours later~

Taehyung and Jimin Both meet up in front of Room A-27. The couple Interlocks each other's Hands and Enters the Room. Inside, the room is Dusty and Dirty. It looks as if it hasn't been cleaned in years. 5 other boys are in the Room as Well, One of them Jimin recongnizes. The Tallest one Gets up from his seat and Looks at the two boys, "Hey, Aren't you two the Two gays that got in trouble with the Headmaster?" Taehyung Nods And grips Jimin's Hand tightly in fear. "Cool, nice to finally see Some fellow Gays Stand up to this Hierarchy of a School. I'm Kim Namjoon, But My friends Call me RM." He says as he Extends his Hand. "Literally No-one has called you that Babe", says the Other Tall Person, " I'm Jin By the way. And this Dude," He says As he gets up from his seat, "is my Lovely Boyfriend.". Taehyung and Jimin Shake their hands, out of fear Of course. Because really, they are very. Very. VERY. Tall. "Nice to meet you guys, I'm Jimin and this is Taehyung." Jimin says with a warm smile. They both Gesture the couple to have a seat on one of the Dusty chairs. Taehyung sits down and Jimin sits on his lap. "Nice to meet you, I'm Hoseok!" Says the Bright, bubbly person sitting next to us. Another person Sitting next to Hoseok Extends his Hand towards Taehyung, "Hey, I'm Yoongi.". "Hi Yoongi! Im Taehyung and this is-.". "Jimin, I know." Yoongi says As he Cuts off Taehyung. "We used to date" Jimin says blankly. "Oh this must be the Ex He was Talking About back in Highschool." Taehyung thought. "That person over there Is Jungkook." Hoseok says as he point to a Boy sitting by the window with Headphones plugged into his ears. Suddenly everyone is Startled when They all hear a Loud CLANK around the room. One of the School Officials Walks In throwing a Couple is Buckets, two Mops, and Three brooms on the floor. "Alright You Savages, Your Detention is to Clean up this Classroom. Have fun for the next 2 Hours". The official then Leaves and the 7 Boys Start to Work.


Word count: 1373 Words

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