3 years, 5 months, and 2 days

27 2 0

Their only task was to clean that Old classroom. But everyday, they became closer. And Soon enough that Room became their safe place. A sort of Escape from all the stress, all of the hate, everything. In that room, it was just those 7 boys. New friendships were made, And everyday the room got a bit cleaner.

Yoongi Opens a closet door to clean it out one day when he finds something interesting inside it. "Hey Jungkook, Help me get this out." Yoongi Says. Jungkook does as instructed and helps Yoongi pull out a beaten up Wooden Piano from the Storage Closet. "Wow, how long has this been in here?" Jungkook Asks with Curiosity. "I don't know, Months? Years Maybe?" Hoeseok guesses as he Examines the Piano. "Does it still work?" Jin asks. Yoongi start to Play random keys, but then he starts playing a beautiful Melody. "Wow that's sounds Beautiful Yoongi!" Namjoon Says surprised. "Yeah, I didn't even know you could play Yoongi..." Hoseok Says. Jimin Gave Yoongi a blank stare and continued to sweep the floor. Yoongi saw Jimin and stopped playing. "Come on guys, we gotta finish cleaning." Yoongi Says Coldly as he pushes the piano into one of the corners.

~Time Skip: 1 hour later~

It's the end of their Detention for that day. Everyone is gathering their things. They all exchange goodbyes as Namjoon, Jin, Jungkook, And Hoeseok leave the room first. Leaving Taehyung, Jimin, And Yoongi inside the room. "So, do you guys wanna Hang out Somewhere? I found this great Place by The Riverside, I hear it's pretty Good!" Yoongi Says to Taehyung And Jimin. "Um, Sorry Yoongi. Me and Taehyung Have Plans already. Maybe next time?" Jimin says quickly. Taehyung was about to Say something when he felt Jimin Grip his waist. "Oh yeah, sorry Yoongi Maybe Next time?" Taehyung Says while blushing at Jimin's actions. "Oh," Yoongi Says because clearly knows what's going on, "Maybe next time...". Taehyung And Jimin both walk out of the classroom and head back to their dorm.

~Time Skip: 3 Years, 5 months, and 2 days~

It's been Years since the boys seen each other. They have all grown and started of their own lives. Namjoon Is the Owner Of "RM Farms", Which is a Fruit farm that sells all of its products Across Korea, Jin is the Head Detective in all Human Crime-related Cases, Hoseok is the Founder and CEO of "Sunshine Drops", a Flower company that he owns, Yoongi Has Not been seen by any of the boys Since Graduation, Jungkook is a The head police Officer in the Busan District Of Korea, And lastly, Taehyung And Jimin. Both of them have been together for about 4 years. Taehyung Is about to Graduate from Law School and Jimin has Been a Reporter for the Busan Local News. All of the 7 boys had lives to live, they were all happy. Until that one faithful day, where everything Went wrong.


Word count: 501 Words

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2019 ⏰

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