Damned Damsel

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Everything happened so quickly it was hard for me to keep up. I remember pain. I hit a wall. There was ringing, was that from the magic or my ear drums? Must be both. When I hit the wall my head went first. My vision was blurred and it was as if everything was in slow motion. I fell from the wall and on to the floor, shouldn't I have done that once I hit it? Must have been Vera's magic keeping me up. I touched the back of my head. The ringing hadn't stopped. I pulled my hand away and seen the blood. Fuck. I slowly made it to my feet only to fall over again. I could hear someone talking but couldn't tell what they were saying. I felt hands gripping my shirt and arms. I couldn't fight back, hell, I didn't even know who It was.

They turned me around, my vision shifting in and out, the pounding headache making everything worse. I felt hands on my face, in my hair, a figure standing above me. I expected them to strangle me or something, instead I suddenly felt airless, like I was floating in warmth. I was being carried by a massive figure. With all the movement my eyes felt heavy and the headache showed no signs of stopping. I let myself rest. If the figure wanted to kill me then there wasn't much I could do anyway.

I woke up to the smell of bacon. A small pile of folded clothes sat on the chair in front of me and a drink on the bed stand. I immediately went for the drink, thinking it was water. I was sorely mistaken. Literally. It was obviously a alcoholic concoction. Randall came in and grabbed the drink from me. "Woah, with a head injury like that alcohol is the worse thing for you. Give yourself at least another hour for your healing ability to finish up" I groaned and sat up. "Why am I back?"

"Apparently Hamish had to go all wolfy to save your ass from your former friends that tried to kill you."

"Oh, great" I stood and grabbed the clothes. "Bathroom?"

"To your right down the hall" he answered sitting down. "I hope they fit. Lilith put up a fight but we wanted to at least make you feel comfortable." he looked up at me and sighed. "I remember how hard it was for some of us to get used to this. We're kind of like family now." he shrugged. "No, you don't understand. I was forced into this. I'll never be comfortable...and I'll be never be family." I turned and headed towards the bathroom to change.

The clothes were obviously chosen by Lilith. A dark black T-shirt with some faded design and a black pair of ripped jeans. The shoes were too big but they fit enough. I looked at myself in the mirror and could barley recognize myself. So much had happened and I changed so much.

Making my way out of the bathroom and into the kitchen took a lot more energy than I thought. I collapsed on to the doorframe with a pained noise. Hamish stopped what he was doing and he rushed to my side. He helped me to my feet and to a chair. "Didn't Randall tell you to rest?" his voice showed annoyance and...worry? "Of course he did. I just didn't listen" I squeezed my eyes tight. The headache was back.

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