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Tyler's health had only gotten worse, four days past and he still refused to go to the hospital. Hamish had grown distant, and Lilith was still mad at me for bringing Tyler here. Randall seemed to be fine with me, which is good, I don't think I could handle everyone mad at me. Randall, being a pre-med student was the closest I had to a doctor but it wasn't enough.

We had been taking shifts to watch Tyler to make sure nothing serious happened. My shift just ended, which meant it was Hamish's turn. He walked in and tapped my shoulder. I was half asleep, between the nightmares, hearing Tyler in pain, and sleeping in Hamish's bed, it was hard to get any rest. Hamish slept in the living room couch.

I stood and stretched my arms up to the sky. "You should go get some rest."

"I can't..." I sighed and grabbed his hand, taking him outside the door. I took a deep breath to settle myself. "Hamish, he is only getting worse...I don't know what to do, I'm scared" my voice cracked and I could feel tears stinging my eyes.

I felt his arms enclose around me and his chin rested on top of my head. I let the tears stream down as I clutched onto his shirt. "If we take him to the hospital...I'll stay with him to make sure he's safe." he stroked my back and soothed me, pulling away to wipe the tears from my cheeks. "He's gonna be fine (Y/N)...I promise."

I nodded, wrapping my arms around his neck and hugging him tightly. "Thank you, you didn't have to do anything for me but you've done so much..." His arms wrapped around my back and his face nuzzled into the crook of my neck.

when we pulled away I felt guilty. Here I was pushing him away and pulling him back to me for a number of reasons. Hamish walked into my room and Tyler was there waiting to talk to him. "I know you don't want to go but we have to take you to the hospital."

Then the ringing started...

I stood and Lilith ran to the door. A group of Order members were there, one of them was holding a bowl. "Randall! Hamish!" I shouted and they came running. "They found us." Lilith growled and shifted, running outside. I shook my head and ran back to Tyler. "We have to get you out of here. They found us." I helped him to his feet, slowly, so I didn't hurt him. He grunted in pain and stopped me.

"No, I can help"

"No you can't, you're hurt and that's already because of me. I'm not gonna ask you to risk anything else because of me."

He pushed me away and stumbled towards the door, Hamish caught him before he fell. "Woah, you need to go through the back with (Y/N)" Hamish started to bring him back towards me but Tyler stopped him, saying something quietly to him in his ear. Hamish made eye contact with me before giving Tyler a small nod and letting him go. Tyler gave me a small smile before he grabbed the pocket knife that I had from my dorm and continued outside. I rushed after him, but Hamish grabbed me and held on to me so I couldn't stop him. I didn't know what his plan was but the look he gave me was a pitiful one, like he didn't plan on this going well.

I watched as he sliced his hand and muttered some words. Fire shot out from some of the order members, but the remaining members worked quickly. They cut themselves and suddenly Tyler was lifted into the air and thrown against the house. I screamed and fought to get to him but Hamish didn't let me go until Lilith had finished off the rest of the members. I collapsed in his arms, crying and screaming. Once the massacre was over, Hamish grip loosened. I shoved him away and stood. "One of those bastards go away" Lilith said, once she was done shifting back.

Randall ran outside to check on Tyler but when he returned he wouldn't meet my gaze. "I'm sorry"

"N-no..." I couldn't breathe, I felt the ground underneath my feet shift and I fell. Hamish reached for me and I pushed him. "This is all your fault! you let him go out there! I could have stopped him!" I felt rage like I've never felt before. I could feel Alpha stirring in me, I shifted and ran.

I had so many thoughts going through my mind. All the memories I had with him and everything he helped me with. He was there for me in my worst moments but when he needed me I wasn't there, I couldn't save him. He knew it. He knew how it would end. I needed to talk to Hamish, but right now I was too angry. I had to calm down before I went back.

I could smell the order member, he was close and injured. I tracked him down, still in the woods, perfect.

-An Hour Later-

I approached the house, covered in the robe of the member I had just slaughtered. Tyler's body was gone and Randall was Hamish was guarding the house. I took a deep breath before continuing towards him. "What did he say to you?" I asked, he sighed and sat on the porch stairs. "He asked me if I cared about you, he said to trust him, and told me to tell you that he loved you..."

"You knew...You knew and you still let him go" I wiped the blood from my face with the robe sleeve. "It doesn't matter how much you care about me or how much he loved me. It won't bring him back and it wont change what happened. I don't know If I can do this, Hamish you let him die. It should have been me." I felt his embrace again, it became so comforting and familiar.

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