Honey and Wildfire

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A special shout out to @im5_is_da_best for helping me release this chapter with a new set of eyes and a new idea

Lilith took me into the living room by the fireplace, the boys went out to the bar to give us some "girl time". I didn't think anything of it. I was happy I had time to get closer to the only other female in the group, ignoring that she previously threatened to kill me. She on the other hand still had her usual demeanor.

She sat on the couch and gestured to me. "Alright, clothes off" I froze and laughed awkwardly. "I'm sorry, what? Did you just tell me to take my clothes off?" She didn't flinch, she just simply sat down and watched me. "Duh, unless you want to ruin another pair of clothes." Lilith rolled her eyes and I looked down at my clothes, they still hadn't let me go to my dorm to grab my stuff. Too dangerous. I cautiously removed my clothes and discarded them into the floor. "Okay, now what I want you to do is visualize Alpha. Concentrate on how you feel when you turn, what is feels like when you hear the ringing. You need to be able to shift whenever you want. You need to be in control."

I did as she said, searching my mind for any memory I had from my first turning, I felt a energy rising from my stomach and a twisting throughout my entire body. The pain was excruciating and I doubled over in pain. Now on my hands and knees, internally struggling to control my transformation...everything faded.

Then I could see. I could feel everything. I unfortunately wasn't aware I wasn't in complete control because the next thing I did was run straight out of the house and into the woods.

After an hour and a half of futile attempts to turn back I arrived back at the house. When I approached the porch I noticed both Hamish and Lilith were now in the living room arguing. About me. Hamish turned to meet my eyes and immediately I turned back. That would have been fine if I

1. Was inside with my clothes


2. Wasn't still making eye contact with a man I had promised myself I would no longer pursue.

I stood for a moment completely oblivious to my current predicament before I realized his eyes were fully roaming my entirety. Then he was gone. Out the door, into his car, and gone. I ran inside, grabbing my clothes, changing, and continuing upstairs. Thankfully Lilith followed me and offered me a Giant bottle and a shoulder to cry on.

"So you like Randall?"

"Shh you're being too loud...but yes"

"We have the worst choice in men..." I took another swig of whatever was in the bottle, my throat burned at first but now it slid down with no problem. Lilith giggled and placed her arm around me. "But YOu have the WORSTest. Hammy is sTILL stuck up on CASSIE. You shouda seenit when I put My NAme on thebox" she laid her head on top of mine and I couldn't fine the words to continue a conversation. Lilith took my phone and looked at the time, making a whine before crawling out of my room without another word. My attention wasn't on her though, it was on finishing the rest of the bottle.

The next morning I awoke with the largest hangover I think I've ever had. I gripped my head as I rolled over to go back to sleep, Only to notice the overwhelming heat under the covers and the literal person in my bed. Out of instinct I fell out of bed, naked for the second time in front of the one and only Hamish Duke. His eyes opened to see me and they lit up with shock. I didn't spend enough time in the room to fully acknowledge what happened because the next thing I did was rush out of my room and into the bathroom to vomit.

After I finished and brushed my teeth enough to forget the taste, there was a knock at the bathroom door. I hid in the shower and called out. "Go away!"

"(Y/N)look, I don't know what happened last night...I..." the door slowly opened and I readied myself, hugging my chest. Mere seconds pasted before the door closed and I heard his voice of the other side of the door again. "I left your clothes on the counter...please come out...I-we need to talk." his voice sounded weak, pleading.

I crept out of the tub and quickly changed into my clothes. I quietly opened the bathroom door to see him pacing in front of it. Once I stepped out into the hallway his demeanor changed. He approached me with a purpose, backing me into the wall. I couldn't believe this was truly Hamish. His lips met mine with an intense passion and his hands cupped my face. My hands slowly found their way to his chest, and I pushed him enough for me to slip out of his grasp. I just had to be logical, damn I wanted more, but I knew what this was for him. "This is wrong...last night was wrong..."

He faced me and sighed. "When did you decide to listen to me? After you appeared naked in front of me or before?"

"That wasn't planned and neither was last night. You still love Cassie. I'm not gonna pretend that you're over her and I'm not a replacement." I sighed and ran a hand through my hair, groaning from the headache. "I need a hangover cure and you need to find out what you really want." With that I left for the kitchen, his taste still on my lips and my heart racing.

I wouldn't have to deal with my emotions for too long because something was brewing in the order. Vera was putting her plan in motion. I'm just glad I had that drunken night and that kiss before everything went wrong.

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