XI - Explanation

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"Hey again." Yoongi smiled as he pulled over and opened the door for me. 

"Hi." I smiled and got in the car. 

"So what happened to your friend?" he asked as the car moved. 

"He slipped. But I caught him. I got hurt but he is alive and now at the police station with our other best friend." I explained and showed him my arm. 

"He bit you?" Yoongi laughed a little. 

"Mhm..but he's alive so I don't care too much." I looked ahead of us on the road. 

"Anyways...I suggest we don't end this 'hook up' thing we have going on by me taking you out for breakfast." he said with a smiled. 

"Why?" I glanced at him. 

"Two reasons, I was ordered to kill you, but didn't. So the person who wants you dead will hire someone else, and I would like to protect you. And second, I actually like you. Yeah maybe I just don't know you, but something inside of me is telling me I need to know you." he put his hand on my knee. 

"You feel like this could be something like a Tinder hook up that turns into a cute relationship?" I asked and this time looked at him, kinda staring. 

"If we give it some time." he smirked the same god damn smirk he had when he fucked me last night. 


Once we ordered our food, I looked at Yoongi, getting ready to ask him something. 

"Um..I thought..could you find out who ordered you to kill me?" I spoke. 

"I know it, I just don't tell the victims. But I suppose you're already getting special treatment...it was some 'Jeon Jungkook'." he said with a small smile. 

"Who?!" my jaw fell. 

"Jeon Jungkook." he repeated a bit more clearly and his smile turned into a confused look. 

"I mean, names can be fakes really easily." he tried to calm me down. 

"So it's someone who knows both him and me?" I asked confused.

"I've had family members who asked me to kill someone under the name of the victim themselves." he shrugged. 

"So you're saying it was his family?" I asked kinda desperate for an answer. 

"Call him and ask. Maybe he knows more." Yoongi grabbed my hand. 

So I called. 

"Jungkook...d-did you." I stuttered and started sobbing into the phone. 

Yoongi quickly got next to me, took the phone and hugged me. 

"Sup, um I'm here with Jimin. He wanted to ask if you know why someone ordered a murderer to kill him under your name." Yoongi said. Then waited for an answer. It took a while though. 

"Alright. Just telling you, he's not gonna be happy for that but thanks for honesty. Bye." he hung up and looked at me. 

"So his family pressured him into getting rid of you because you're gay and when he tried to leave your friends group, you held onto him. And eventually him and his mom applied under his name. But he soon regretted and that played a role in him wanting to jump off the bridge, I guess it's that friends right?

"But he is bisexual!" I protested. 

"He mention that to me but also the fact that his family doesn't know." Yoongi ruffled my hair. 

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