Chapter XXIII

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[ For most of you who might be wondering where in the heck is Undertale in this story, don't worry. *winky face*

We're a couple of chapters near that revelation, and a couple more before total totally damnation!

Kidding aside, I do apologize if most of you came hoping for an Undertale story. That won't be revealed until much later into the story arc.

All things will make sense soon if I kept this progress of updating regularly.


Ben says: "Stay Determined, Swee—This is stupid, I ain't doin’ it."

That didn't work as planned. ]

Stay Determined, Sweetums!~
( ´ ♡ ' )

・・・・✪・・・・✪ ・・・・

Morning came and I was awoken by an ear-splitting shrill that most likely came from a little girl. Jolting from where I lay, my entire surroundings immediately circled at the sudden brain rush.

I realized that those who had slept with us in the living room did the same. Only with less aggressiveness in their motion. Jeff was the only one who didn't sit up to see what happened. Instead, he groaned and threatened to kill the noise as he turned on his side, accidentally draping his arm on my thigh.

Sluggishly, I removed his arm from anywhere near my body and stood. Today was suppose to be my day of training, so what better way to start it than to take a nice warm bath and change of proper attire.

After squeezing myself out of Jeff and Ben's tight sandwich, they immediately missed the warmth of my body and searched for something else to provide that. Unfortunately for them, they found each other and wrapped themselves in each other's embrace. Fortunately for me, I have grown in a house where this is extremely normal; but still gets me geeking out everytime.

Mischief clouded my thoughts as I fished out my phone from my pocket. I did the most cliché thing others would do when something embarrassing like this happened. I took a picture.

I checked to see if it was perfect, and it was! Jeff and Ben's noses merely inches from touching each other, one thing I've noticed about Ben is that he disabled any signs that he was a human when sleeping, ergo he doesn't breathe and nor does his heart beat. So the chances of smelling each other's breath is zero.

Jeff was pulling Ben to his chest to possibly provide more warmth, and Ben was more than willing to give that. They looked adorable and it made my heart ache for home. 

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