[Chapter 1: Arrival to Yandere High School]

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"Mommy?" Funneh looks down to see her 6-year old daughter, Celia. Celia has her dad's red hair, and Funneh's azure-colored eyes.

"What is it, darling?"asked Funneh as she kneel down to Celia's height and pat her head.

"How did you and daddy meet?"

"How did I and mommy meet, you ask?"

Funneh looks up to see her smirking husband, she chuckled as she lets Alec pick Celia up.

"Why, that's an interesting story. You sure want to hear it?"

Celia nodded her head excitedly. Alec and Funneh laughed as they went to the living room. Alec puts Celia on his lap, as Funneh sat next to him.

"Let's start with the beginning then.."


"I'm bored~" the youngest of the Krew whined in complain as he stared out of the car's window. Draco, being himself, has been complaining for the past hour. Lunar sweatdropped, both of Rainbow and Gold sighed while Funneh laughed nervously.

They were on their way to their new school, Yandere High School. A high school, which their parents chose for them. Draco, being the youngest, was in his 1st year, along with Lunar. Funneh and Gold are in their 2nd-year of High School, and Rainbow is in her 3rd-year, being the oldest among them.

The one driving the car was Rainbow herself, their family couldn't afford to have them a driver so they let the oldest among them, drive them all to their new school.

"I agree with Draco.. are there yet?" Funneh agreed as she slump in her seat, Gold warningly glared at her. Gold was in the front passengers seat, with Rainbow, in the drivers seat. The rest were at the back, squished together.

"We're about to arrive at any moment." Rainbow announce while rolling her amber eyes and smiling, which made Draco groan in frustration.

"You said that.. like five minutes ago."

"Because you're complaining too much!" Gold snapped, which resulted Draco to close his mouth. Gold's scary when she's mad. So in short, never mess with Gold.

So while waiting, let's reveal the Krew's appearance, shall we?

Draco has black slick hair with emerald-green eyes. He wore a simple red jacket with a hoodie, dark blue undershirt, black pants and a simple blue rubber shoes. He has a pair of headphone around his shoulders, red and green.

Lunar has blue hair with a silver-head ornament, and bluish-purple eyes. She wears a simple purple dress with black wrist-gloves, that doesn't reach to her fingers. She wears purple stockings and a simple black shoes.

Funneh also has blue hair and azure-blue eyes. She was wearing a  black jacket with two blue-stripes on the forearm area, a cyan-blue shirt underneath the jacket, white shorts and black shoes.

Gold has brown hair that goes lighter when it reaches her tips. Her bright golden eyes reflect the sun's light. She was wearing an off-shoulders blackish-grey blouse, with a white shirt underneath. She wears a blue shorts and black boots.

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