Late Night

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Do you ever just look up and stare at the sky, 

and ask yourself how you're even alive?

Blacked out Amati's tailing you home. 

With the moon in the sky as you're walking alone.

Too annoyed to even ask why, 

 you turn around and point at your knife.

The car now gone, you're all alone – Turn up the music let it guide you home. 

Red and Blue lights take me out of my daze, 

four cop cars just got in my way. 

 What am I doing, and why am I here?                                                               Twenty questions just for walking right here.

They run me through, then they tail me home.

I make two lefts and get off the main road. 

 Out in the desert, not the slightest of sound.                                                 I take in the silence as I wander on down.

Back at home, I'm never at ease. 

I'm tired, so tired. God, just let me sleep.

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