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I turned the world upside down.  

A place for those lonely ghosts caught between both worlds.I bled your conviction. I choked down your love. False notes ring true to those who sift through the many truths that the walking dead hold on to. But, not you. You were a Patron Saint. Marred by the truth of a world too raw and too far gone. It broke you. Your heart, a chrysalis, bred an evil too pure to contain. You died again that day. 

Times of war spoken in but a whisper. Fearing that the weight of their words would fuel your oppression. They cowered. A dictator whose face dared to paint atrocity so pure that it held the likeness of a child. One whose words could pit races against one another. Sad eyes framed with futility. A game once played for pleasure, now held in contempt. You were lonely.

There wasn't a place on any plane that would keep you. Holding you close in such a way that not even the darkest creatures could keep me from you. I painted my face. A caricature to ward off the malcontent of your greatest foe. All the mirrors were turned around to drown out the harsh whispers of your guilt. A warm body to embrace your cold heart. Drunk off sleep and bitter weeping. You asked me to save you.An evolution that devoured worlds and tore souls from weary bodies too cold to love. Anyone brave enough to soothe your grievance was lost. When I found you, you were on your knees horrified at the evil that you could do. Left alone in its aftermath. I was drawn to you.

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