About this Book

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Writing has always been an outlet for me. It has been there for me throughout the hardest of the hard when I only had some change and a few bitter words to say. It's hard to quit, and even though this book has a wide assortment of bits of poetry, the main goal for this was to let people know that it is okay to feel, and it is okay to ask for help. Finding a constructive outlet, that allows you to grieve is one of the best ways that you can heal.

If you ever need any help, please reach out to your community support groups. They're run by people who know what it's like to go through what we all go through, and they do truly care. Even if it feels like you're not valuable, or you cannot take anymore, please know that you are not alone and that you are valued. Thank you for reading and helping this starving artist out. Keep on going, it will not rain all the time. I promise.

- E.S. Columbine

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