<114> Narrative²¹

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"I'm home!" 

Chaeyoung shouted as she went in to their house. Pulling off her shoes and walk inside. "Minari~" She called out and in cue, Mina appeared in her already pajama and comfy loose shirt.

Gummy smile appeared and hug Chaeyoung. "Welcome home babe" She whisper. She pull away and saw what's on Chaeyoung's hands.

"Cake?" Chaeyoung nod happily. They walk into the kitchen and Chaeyoung put them on the table along with the paper bag. "What's the occasion?" She asked.

Chaeyoung shrugged but a smile still present on her face. "Tell  me--Omo!" Mina put her hands on her mouth. "Is it our anniversary?" She asked look surprise. Chaeyoung shook her head and giggled at her cute reaction. 

Mina loosen up, "Then, monthsary?" Chaeyoung shakes her head. "Weeksary?" Again. "Daysary?" Chaeyoung laugh and shook her head for the last time.

"Then what? Tell me?" She whined, stomping her feet. Chaeyoung put her hands over her shoulder. 

"Remember that I have my last interview for my job right?" Mina nod her head remembering. "Guess what?"


"I got accepted!" She happily announced that made Mina jump on her in joy. Chaeyoung catch her and hug her tightly, but carefully. 

"Congrats! I know you can do it!" Chaeyoung hummed. "I'm so proud of you" Chaeyoung kiss her forehead. 

"Let's celebrate after we eat our dinner. I'm hungry-"

"Ok, where's my food that I requested" Chaeyoung pull away and look at her in disbelief but chuckle in the end.

Pregnant women, really. Chaeyoung thought.

"There in the paper bag. Put your ice cream on the freezer if you don't want to be completely melted" Mina obeyed happily. Chaeyoung once again giggled. She then prepare their dinner which Mina already cooked.


They were in the living room watching marvel movies that Mina, obviously, chose. Mina was sitting on the coach while Chaeyoung on the floor - just below Mina. Mina's right leg on Chaeyoung's right shoulder and Chaeyoung massaging it and of course Mina is enjoying while eating her ice cream.

"What did you do today by the way?" Chaeyoung asked while watching and massaging Mina's feet. 

Mina swallow down the ice cream first before replying. "Well, Jihyo, Nayeon and Jeongyeon walked me in the park this morning. They said that walking is good to my health" She happily shared.

Chaeyoung hummed. "They were right. You should do morning walk everyday. Don't worry, I'll join you starting tomorrow" She smile and glance back.

Chaeyoung lift off her right leg and grab her left leg and put it on her left shoulder and start massaging it.

"Did you talk to your managers about your new job?" Mina asked, eyes on the television. 

"Going to tomorrow. I will resign and probably will rest for a week before start working to my new job"

"Can we go for a vacation before you start on your work?" Mina asked leaning forward. Chaeyoung stop and look at her.

"If you want then we will" Mina jump on her sit in happiness. Chaeyoung can't help but to chuckle at her behavior. 

"Love, calm down the baby" She reminded that made Mina snapped in reality.

"Sorry" Chaeyoung just smile. "You want some ice cream?" She offer.

Chaeyoung turn around but Mina's left leg still hang. "I thought you wouldn't ask" She joked. Mina roll her eyes and took a spoon full of the ice cream and put it on Chaeyoung's already open mouth, ready to receive the ice cream.

Chaeyoung turn back and start massaging Mina's feet again. 

"Babe" Chaeyoung leans back and lift her head and look at Mina. Mina was already leaning forward, face just above Chaeyoung's head. 

Mina smile and lean down to kiss Chaeyoung's lips. Chaeyoung replied and mumbled "I love you" Which Mina replied with an "I love you too"


Chaeyoung and Mina was already at their room. Chaeyoung was waiting for Mina to come out from the bathroom. She fished out her phone and open her music app and choose a instrumental song (Chopin - Nocturne Op. 9 No. 2 in E-Flat Major)

Mina walks in the bedroom and smile when she heard a soft music lingers in their room. "What's with the music?" She asked and sat down beside her, pulling the duvet on her legs.

"I read that this kind of music is good for the baby" She replied, moving closer to Mina and carefully caressed Mina's growing baby bump.

Mina put her hand over Chaeyoung and watch her lean closer that her lips almost touch her clothed tummy. "And they said, we should always talk to the baby. Tell him or her stories, because she or he can hear us from here" She said softly, almost like a whisper.

She continue caressing it. "You know what, we will know your gender soon. And I can't wait to see you and touch you" Mina touched at her words. "Mommy and I can't wait. Please don't give Mommy a hard time. Just 6 more months, we'll get able to see you" 

Chaeyoung soft soothing voice and careful touch with a soft background music that accompany them, Chaeyoung continue talking and telling funny stories about how did their love story happened.

Mina on the other side can't help but to smile and listen to her story. It was indeed a good scenario to watch.

Chaeyoung stop telling stories when she saw Mina's half opened eyes. She said her goodnight with kisses and Mina did the same thing. Chaeyoung hug her from the back carefully not to touch her tummy and kiss her for the last time before drifting from sleep.



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