<118> Narrative²²

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"Then what do you want?" Chaeyoung asked groaning. She's been picking and putting fruits back to its shelf. She keep doing it more umpteenth time. Reason? Mina can't seem to find what she's been craving for. Her food aversion becomes more crazier than before. She experienced Mina waking her up in the middle of the night, asking for her to cook or buy the food she's craving for. Also experienced her mood swings; got mad at her, yelled at her, got kicked out of their room then in heartbeat Mina will apologize and become more clingy to her. And of course, Chaeyoung "the whipped strawberry princess" will forgive her easily.

Hands on her chin while scanning the full of different seasonal fruits in front of them while thinking, well more like guessing what her taste bud likes. She continue scanning and looking over the section of fruits ignoring Chaeyoung who sighed in defeat.

"I think...orange will do." She disclose and grab dozens of them and put them on the cart. Chaeyoung open her mouth, about to say something but close right after chanting 'she's pregnant, calm down' inside her head.

"We already chose them earlier but you declined." She roll her eyes, can't help it. Pushing the cart, trailing Mina from behind. And Mina ignore her little complain and just proceed buying food they need.

Mina, 7 months pregnant waiting for their little boy to come out. Chaeyoung and Mina who already prepared everything baby "Young-Shin" needs. Chaeyoung already made the room prepared for their baby and also preparing for Mina's pregnancy because the doctor already set a due date for Mina's pregnancy, October 8.

Chaeyoung, who is the most excited about Mina's pregnancy rather than Mina, always secure if Mina is feeling well and comfortable every time. Asking what she wants and needs, though sometimes she gets irritated about her mood swings, nevertheless she loves her and promised will do everything for Mina. And she did.

After getting all they need and pay the groceries, Chaeyoung and Mina went out of the place. 

"Should I cook or order food?" Chaeyoung asked Mina who was looking to all food stalls. Mina shrugged after scanning those food stalls selling Korean street foods. She walk towards the bus stop to hail a cab.

Chaeyoung trail her behind and sigh. "Cook, yeah" She mock herself and make face. Mina who saw that gain a smack on her arms and scolded her. Mina enter the cab first followed by Chaeyoung who's handling all the groceries on her hands. Mina tells their address before started going to their house.

While on the drive, Chaeyoung spoke. "What do you want for dinner?" She asked scrolling through her phone - getting some ideas for tonight's dinner.

Mina look at her. "Let's just order." Chaeyoung drop her hands on her lap and glared at Mina. She's been on the edge of bursting out because of Mina's mood swing. She sometimes cold and sweet, clingy pregnant woman who wants attention then in one snap, she will get mad of you for just a simple thing. 

"I asked you earlier-" She stop and close her eyes tightly and sigh, loudly. She open her eyes to see Mina's eyebrows twitch on her. 

"What?" She asked, totally a bit annoyed at her attitude since earlier. She knows that she's throwing tantrums over her. Though she can't help it since her she's undergoing her third and last semester in pregnancy. 

Chaeyoung sigh silently in very best way not to let Mina heard it, but the latter heard it, she failed to do so. She's trying not to roll an eye towards her, trying to control herself so they will not encounter another simple-yet nonsense arguments over things.

Chaeyoung payed the driver and thanked his service before grabbing the grocery bags and went inside while Mina was already walking ahead of her, not minding her. She didn't wait for her like the latter usually did, whether they are in bad terms or not, but this is different. 

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