Skinny guy with some punches

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I just got out of class headed to the store for my lunch break to get some snacks for me and my friends. I grab the usual. Arizona for Lana, Yoo-hoo for Adam, and candy for Hayden. I don't know when they will becoming out of school considering I finished my test before they were done with theirs.

I walk out of the store to be met by an angrily looking Brandon walking my way. "You are such a bitch". He says to me. "Excuse me?" Who does this little boy think he is talking to me like that.
"Why The fuck did you tell Abby to break up with me?" Realization hits my face.

A few days before
I was walking past Abby at Starbucks. A distraught look was on her face. Our eyes met and I gave her a smile and she walked over to me quickly, asking a question I didn't want to answer. "I need you to tell me something honestly, I know you and Brandon are friends but.... is Brandon still cheating?"
I try to come up with an excuse. He's my friend... right? Her face looked sad and confused. I couldn't lie to her. "Abby, listen to what your intuition is telling you, you know the truth. You know whether or not you can trust him. You know what your heart is telling you to do. Sometimes, it's better to let go and I'm not gonna lie it's painful as hell, but In a year from now, you'll look back and be happy about the decision you made." She looks

She looks at me with teared filled eyes. How could someone hurt her so bad? What type of person can cause this much pain. "I love him, I really do." She tells me, I look at her and give her a hug and she cries into my shoulder. I whisper in her ear "No boy, no human, is worth losing yourself over. You deserve a love where there is no worry, no doubt. And you'll need to ask yourself, could that ever happen with him?"

Flashback over

"I didnt tell her to break up with you, I told her to do what her intuition is telling her." I say simply, I try walk past him but he walks in front of me. "Our relationship was none of your fucking business." I roll my eyes at him. "I didn't but in, she came to me. Maybe if you had treated her right she wouldn't have come to me in the first place."
"You've never been a fucking relationship You know nothing about being in a relationship! I LOVED HER AND YOU RUINED EVERYTHING " He yells at me. I glare at him. "I may have never been in a relationship but I do know someone who actually cares about the person theyre with doesn't cheat on them 24/7. If you really loved her you wouldn't have been cheating. You ruined everything yourself. Youre pathetic-"

My face whipped fast to the right. I feel my left cheek burning. I look at him shocked. I touch my hand to my cheek and it stings. He hit me. I hear running footsteps and Hayden is all of a sudden right next to me. I lick my lip, I taste blood. Hayden sees it, and before I know it, Hayden starts beating Brandon up. Everything is moving fast. Adam trying to pull Hayden off Brandon. Teachers must've heard the commotion and came outside. Lana keeps trying to see if I'm okay. I move and yell at Hayden to get off Brandon. He's beating him up pretty well.
I didn't even know he could fight. Brandon's barely got a few punches in. " HAYDEN THATS ENOUGH STOP IT PLEASE." Adams grabs Hayden and Hayden is fighting to get out of Adams grasp. I go over to Hayden.

"Hayden please stop he's down it's done, look I'm okay he's down." He's not looking at me but past me at the teachers going to Brandon. He tries to squirm out of Adams grasp more. I grab his face. "Hayden look at, HAYDEN LOOK AT ME!" He finally looks at me with those brown eyes. I caress his face. Adam let go, eyeing us weirdly. "Are you okay? Let me see your face." He admittedly starts checking my cheek. He touches it and I wince. He gets angry. "Hayden I'm okay, I'm okay."

30 minutes later
The teachers cleaned up my cut on my lip. My parents were called but they are currently at a conference so probably won't answer. I've been trying not to cry. I'm currently sitting in the office by myself. I hear the door open and I turn to see Hayden closing it.

"How you feeling?" He asks me. I laugh, "I should be asking you the same thing." He has a small cut on his forehead and a slight black eye, other than that he's okay. He sits next to me in the bench type seat in the office. "I didn't know you could fight like that, for a skinny guy you really got some punches in you." I say while punching his shoulder slightly. He rolls his eyes at me.

He gives me a serious look, "seriously though, how are you feeling?" I shrug my shoulders. "Okay I guess, other than my cheek hurting like a bitch I'm okay." I say while laughing slightly. He nods his head. I nod mine.
"Thanks for coming to my rescue by the way, youre my own superhero." I say while smiling. Hayden kisses my forehead. We aren't dating. We aren't friends either. Nor are we friends with benefits. We are in a limbo. Affectionate towards eachother. Not really putting a name on it.

I look at him and he caresses my cheek. I lean into this touch. "What a waste of a lunch huh?" I say while laughing. I start laughing harder. He gives me a worried look. I feel tears start to develop, I start shaking. "Oh come here." He says while grabbing me and pulling me into his chest.
I start sobbing. I tried keeping it in, waiting to be home to cry so nobody would see me break. I hate people seeing me cry. So vulnerable. " I- I - didn't mean to- to- make - Him- so-so- angry" I choke out. I feel Hayden hold me tight.

"You need to know right now what happened is not your fault, you didn't do anything. He has issues. He shouldn't have hit you. Okay?" I nod my head. I sob harder. He rubs my back as I cry, cooing me in my ear trying to help calm me down. I lift up my face. "I probably look so gross right now I'm sorry." He laughs and wipes my tears with both his big hands. I pout.
And he kisses my lips.

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