Little girl - 1

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It's been 3 days since Mason broke up with Ava and he hasn't been to school in those three days. I told him I'm coming over today and he said I didn't need to but of course I don't listen.

I knock on his house door, which it may be the wrong house since I've never been here before. A man I recognize as his father opens the door. "You must be Tori?" He says looking me up and down. I nod my head nervously. He steps out the door way inviting me into his house.

"Mason told me you might be stoping by and if you do, not to let you in, however considering he hasn't left his room in 3 days, I don't give a fuck what he wants." He says to me. I laugh.

"Well his room is that way, I'm going to work but if he starts acting like an ass promise me you'll hit him in the junk?" I laugh some more but he gives me a serious look, "I promise." I say. He smiles at me and grabs his keys from off the kitchen counter and leaves the house.

I walk down the hall and go toward his room. I see his dog sitting outside the door and he barks at me and then I hear mason yell "Shut up bitch" the dog whimpers and I pet her and she licks my hand. Poor thing. She barks again and before he can say anything I open the room to his door not knocking. There he is sitting in his chair playing video games. The stench in the room is awful.

The sound from the door opening makes him turn his head and the first thing he does is roll his eyes. "Tori go home." I roll my eyes at him. "Mason no."
He continues playing his video game and I walk infront of the Tv.

"Mason it smells like heartbreak in here you need to take a shower." I say. He looks up at me, then moves me out of the way continuing playing fortnite. Unbelievable. "If you hadn't come you wouldn't have to smell the stench." He says while not even glancing at me. I glare at him then go over to his TV unplugging his Xbox. "You're a bitch." He says with a monotone voice. I smile at him. "A bitch who needs her bestfriend to shower because his room smells like death and she's trying to help." He sniffs his armpit and grimaces at the smell, "Fine I'll go shower." I smile at him and he grabs clothes from his closet and fake smiles at me before heading out into his bathroom.

I hear the door close and shower start. His room is an absolute mess. Theres food rappers and empty pizza boxes everywhere with some nats. "This is disgusting." I hear the dog bark, almost as if it's saying "I 100% agree with you." I go back into the kitchen and get a trash bag, ready to tackle the garbage can he calls a room.

30 minutes later and his room is totally clean. I finally hear the water turn off and usually I would complain about someone wasting water by taking a 30 minute shower but in his case it's acceptable.

He walks out of the bathroom and comes into the room. "Wow, it's clean in here." He says again in a monotone voice. I roll my eyes playfully at him. "Yes I know I'm amazing you don't have to thank me." He looks at me in the eye, "good cause I wasn't going to thank you." I glare at him and he starts laughing.

I go and lay on his bed and he stands over me. I tilt my head to the side. "So now what?" He asks. "I don't know, now you go to school tomorrow and make up all the pass work you haven't done just because some girl broke your heart." He rolls his eyes at me. "Tori I don't wanna go to school." I raise my eyebrow at him. "Well to damn bad, you're going." I stand up to him and he towers over my 5'6 frame with his 6'3 body.

"I could crush you like a grape little girl." He says while looking down at me. "I clearly am not scared of you. So, I'll get the school work you missed from my bag and you sit down and get comfy because it's going to be a long evening." I pat his head and walk around him to get my backpack from all the work he missed. I hear him sigh and sit on his bed.

4 hours later

"Tori can we please for the love of god take a break?" I look at the clock and see it's 8:43. I guess we have been working for while and all the work is basically done. "Fine I guess, you did good today." He lays back on the bed and starts falling asleep. I hit his leg. "No falling asleep." He sits up and glares at me and I start to regret hitting his leg. He starts chuckling like a crazy person, "you need to stop hitting me." I laugh nervously and then get a mischievous look on my face. I hit him again.

He starts laughing again, "Little girl you starting to act a little too fucking tough." I laugh and go to hit him again but he grabs my hand. I gulp. He flips me over on his bed so I'm on his back and he's on top of me. He starts tickling my sides. "Wait- stop i- no" I can barely get out words with how hard I'm laughing. I try hitting him again and he grabs both of my arms and holds them down. I breathing really hard and he looks down at my chest.

"Ya know you really shouldn't wear tank tops like this around guys." I furrow my eyebrow and look down to see the tank top I was wearing had shifted slighting so now my side boob was slightly showing. I play the innocent act. "And why not?" He laughs slightly and looks around the room. "you don't know what the fuck your doing right now." I try not to smile. "Mason I'm confused what?" I start moving the bottom half of me, trying to see if I can get a reaction out of him.

"Tori don't fucking do that." He closes his eyes. His breathing becomes slightly more shallow. "Mason do what mason I'm not doing anything." I asked innocently again. He doesn't answer me and I can tell he's trying to control himself. I decide to get more bold.

"Masonnnnnnnn." I buck my whole body so it seems more natural and I hear him groan and his hands on my wrist tighten. He opens his eyes and his breathing turns ragged. He looks at my face and his eyes drag down to my boobs. He looks back at my face. "You're too innocent." He says to himself more than me. I pout my lips and frown out him. "I am not," with that I buck my lower half against him and I can feel a very big bulge. I freeze. His grip gets even tighter if that's even possible and when he opens his eyes again they are filled with what I can only describe as lust.

"Fuck" is the word I here before he attacks my lips while he grinds against me. He starts kissing my neck and doing down in between my boobs. "Mason" I breathe out and he moans again while continue kissing down my body getting to my cloth like shorts. "Do you want me to stop?" He says. I don't say anything. He puts his hand to my inner thigh going up slowly. "Little girl when I ask you something you answer, do you want me to stop?"

"I- no." I shake my head back. He smiles. "Good, because if you would have said yes I would've said the wet spot I see says other wise." I feel my face heat up from embarrassment, "Mason shut u-" before I can finish I feel a finger on my area rubbing me through my cloth shorts.

"It's Sir to you little girl.

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