Chapter 2

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For the rest of the buss ride they talked about everything really. Richie had been a nice person one Eddie had given him a shot, Eddie really needed someone to cheer him up right now. The reason he was at this camp in the first place was because his mother had been sent to jail for 25 years, so Eddie was stuck in this camp for the summer. Eddie cold feel his heart sinking into his shoes while he picked at the mint green leather coating of the seat in front of him, Richie was droning on about his family back in Hawkins and how his brother Mike had chosen to do av summer camps with his boyfriend instead of doing Treecrack (it's the name of the camp not some weird drug) this year. Eddie had barely been listening to Richie at all but he liked having the company, every now and then he would say 'yeah' or 'uh huh' to make Richie feel like Eddie was paying close attention and not just studying the buss's cream, metal Roof. It was nice inside the buss, the windows were open witch let in a nice calm breeze and the interior made Eddie feel happy, the color scheme was mint green and cream Eddie liked it.
"You wanna know why I'm really here Richie?" Eddie said interrupting the droning boy
"Sure! I for sure thought you were never going to tell me but please go ahead my fair Eddie spaghetti!" Richie cried out in yet another one of his voices.
"Eddie, just Eddie." He said firmly
"Right, sorry." Replied Richie looking down at his tennis shoes
"I'm here because I don't have anywhere else to go. My mom is in prison, Dad is dead, I think you can figure out who did that. I have no money to go anywhere else and I'll be doing this camp every summer till' I'm 18. That's why I'm not very friendly right now, this all just happend last week." Eddie said coldly, speaking fast so only Richie would hear
"Pardon, but do you mind me asking what for." Richie said in yet another voice
"Yes." Eddie said and Richie could scene that was final. The buss seemed to take forever after that, they sat in silence neither wanting to be the first to break it.
"My girlfriend is coming up next week, I think you'd like her." Said Richie, he could not take the silence anymore.
"Nice, I'm still single as a pringle." Said Eddie trying to lighten up the moment
"I have and Idea! lets play kiss marry kill with the kids on this bus!" Richie said his face lighting up, well what little face he had around his massive grin
"You know Richie, has anyone ever told you you act like a 10 year old sometimes?" Asked Eddie, genuinely curious "But, sure."
"No... but I'll go first! Kiss marry kill... the fat kid over there, me and... that blond over there." Said Richie contently
"Well, clearly kill you so I don't have to suffer through your rambling anymore..." Said Eddie making Richie laugh "Marry the blonde and Kiss the fat boy."
"Ahhh... I never really placed you sexuality as... that one." Said Richie in one of his voices while stroking his fake beird.
"To be completely fair you only gave me one female option." Said Eddie bumping Richie with his shoulder
"To be completely fair you arn't denying it." Richie said crossing his arms, this made them both laugh and then Eddie knew that he wouldn't have to go through this alone, Richie simply wouldn't let him.

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