The wind russled the branches of the pines around Eddie, they were miles up a trail somewhere is the southern part of camp.
"Are we there yetttt?" Moaned Richie from the back of the group
"Shut up asshat, but yes. we're almost there." Called Mr. Martian from the front. They had been hiking for hours but Eddie liked it, but only because Bill was next to him the whole time and they were going to share a tent. Eddie had never really thought of himself as Bi or gay or whatever, but now, being here, having freedom, having Bill here, he could be who he was.
"Ya s-s-still sure you w-w-wanna share a tuh-tuh-tent with me, I m-mean Richie is p-p-pretty hard to pass uh-uh-up." Bill said laughing
"Believe me, it is really hard to pass on camping with ol' trashmouth over there, but I'll make an exception for you." Eddie said smiling, this made Bill smile, and to Eddie's surprise blush. They climbed the rest of the trail in silence, mainly because of how tired they all were. But when they reached their camp site it was already sunset, they had to rush to put up their tents before the sun set (Bill and Eddie having way to much fun ambushing Richie's tent building).
"alright!" called Mr. Martian so the whole group would hear "One of you dipshits needs to get us some firewood now."
"You w-wanna do it?" Asked Bill quietly
"Sure." Said Eddie raising his hand with Bill's, Mr. Martian nodded at them to go, they headed into the forest to find some branches for the fire.
"H-hey Eddie, c-c-can I tell you suh-something?" asked Bill picking up a few branches
"Sure." Eddie said blushing and moving closer. Bill opned his mouth to say something but closed it again but he didn't need to say anything, the kiss that he placed on Eddie's lips said it all. Eddie kissed back, feeling his heart slowly melt into his shoes. When they finally pulled away Eddie knew two things: that he had just gotten bitten by a mosquito and that he was most definitely not straight. They walked back to camp, their arms full of firewood, placing it down on the side of the fire pit.
"Could you have taken any longer?" Complained Richie with several blankets wrapped around him, but Eddie couldn't feel the cold because of the immense heat in his cheeks.
"I'm gonna g-g-go set uh-uh-up the fire, I'll see y-you later." Stuttered Bill, Eddie nodded then head over to Richie
"Holy fuck dude!" He said quietly to Richie, trying not to let anyone hear "Hot fucking Bill just kissed me in the woods!"

Summer of Love//Reddie/Byler
FanfictionReddie: Eddie goes to a sleep away camp over the summer, expecting the worst summer of his life. But gosh he was wrong. He falls in love with Bill Denbrough the hottie(In my opinion) but in the end its not Bill he was searching for, it was his best...