Cold tears traced jagged lines down Will's soft cheeks. Why couldn't his mom have just stayed home that night, why couldn't have Cole just left Will alone, why couldn't Mike have just stayed away form El.
Will cradled his face in his hands looking out at the lake for the view point, this was the only place he could be away from Mike, far away from Mike. He really needed that right now.
"Looks like you stole my spot." Said a kind voice from behind Will with a small chuckle
"Yeah, sorry." Said Will turning around too see the visitor "I can leave if you want."
"No, It's fine, I sort of need someone to talk to..." Said Eddie sitting next to Will on the small bench
"What happened?" asked Will concerned
"Trashmouth Tozier." Said Eddie looking at his shoes
"So you're also a victim of the Tozier twins?" Said Will laughing a bit, he noted how good it felt to laugh after all of... all of everything.
"Yep, I just don't know what to do with him." Said Eddie "I had never felt it with him before... before he kissed me."
"oh-" Started Will
"I'm just so damn confused, because some days I'm certain I love him and others, I want nothing to do with him." Said Eddie crying "I know he can't control his.. swings, I just wish I could control how I handled them."
"handled?" asked Will further concerned "Past tense?"
"Mhm." Said Eddie, a small tear falling down the soft curve of his cheek
"Oh, Shit. Eddie, what happned? are you okay?" Asked Will holding Eddie
"It was all my fucking fault! I was the one who played with his feeling, I was the one who told him I loved him, I was the one who walked away." Said Eddie burrying his face into Will's mint windbreaker with two white stripes along the chest
"...Mike..." Said Will slowly
It was all a blur from then on, flashing lights, yelling voices, crying faces, no Mike.

Summer of Love//Reddie/Byler
FanfictionReddie: Eddie goes to a sleep away camp over the summer, expecting the worst summer of his life. But gosh he was wrong. He falls in love with Bill Denbrough the hottie(In my opinion) but in the end its not Bill he was searching for, it was his best...