Threats and Fire

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The year is 1493, the age is 14 the name is James Griffin. The country is Portugal and I guess you have already heard the story of my friend Shadow Castor.  I am also guessing along the way you heard whisperings about me, so now I would like to set the story straight about what really happened within my childhood, and I don't mean now at age 540 where I still look as though I were 14.  So grab a snack and sit back this is going to take a long while. We're start where story truly began where was diagnosed with a terrible incurable degenerative skin eating disease that slowly deformed all my skin making look what many people would call hideously deformed.  Well when I was 13 that was when I was first diagnosed. The sad thing about it is this was time where people believed that diseases caused by God to make people pay for what they or there family had done, yet thing is my parents were highly respected workers within fishing, meaning that everyone thought I had done this to myself by making the man above angry. Meaning that I took it upon myself to fix it.  When it comes down to the facts I was probably one of the smartest people around. See at that time if you were even just barley literate you in the top 10% when it came to smart people.  Then again it was around that I also realized that not all literate people were actually smart, because smarts should be defined by that of the ability to read and write, it should be more based upon that of a general consensus of knowledge, if you get what I'm saying.  Then again I was more than that I was a science major planning to go into university 3 years early.  After the diagnosis everything changed and this is my story.  My parents thought that as a 13 year old Male I was that of a highly eligible bachelor.  But after my diagnosis they tried to hid me from the world.  Meaning that I barely got to see my 9 year old brother as well as my 7 and 4 year old sisters, there was also another baby on the way, one in whom if it were up to them I would never get to meet.  Even though my disease was more of unspreadable birth defect when it really came down to basics of it.  My parents also didn't like me because I was the only bright blonde kid in a family full of red headed children.  I decided that I wasn't going to let this control me or the way I lived, it would hold no power over me and instead of it stopping me I was going to do what ever I could to stop it from affecting me so that I could get back to my life.  Luckily the 1490's were a great time for animal DNA research.  So I used my scientific expertise to determine what would be the best kind of animal DNA to help combat that of a degenerative skin disease.  Animals such as most reptiles, star fish and cephalopods , are highly regarded for that of their regenerative properties.  Infact some of these creatures have been known to mutate growing many more limbs than needed after losing just one.  Suffice to say that if I contained such abilities I would be fine, maybe even better than fine, so after making a list of what I would need I snuck off into the night to properly provide myself with the right resources to conduct such an experiment.  So on the night of my brothers birth I snuck out, seeing as how both parents were distracted it was very easy to just sneak out through the window of my room.  Yet sadly I had not been able to evade the notice of everyone as I later found out that my 9 year old brother Charles was following me to see what I was up to at such a late hour.  And I even after I told him everything including the fact I that the street is a dangerous place for young people to go alone (especially during the night) he still wanted to come with.  Although he did decide to hand me the short sword he had been carrying so that I could defend us if the need for it became apparent.  Although I should mention that this short sword was far from that of the regular variety seeing as how it's had that of a curved tip which was done more like that of an axe head, as well as notches meant for catching the swords of opponents for easy disarming.  As you might guess such a unique weapon would be heard for that of even the toughest foes to defend against, then again I should know I designed it myself.  Moving on when we got to the street market we could that less vendors seemed to keep their place open during the night.  Which I was fine with because it also meant that there would be less people around.  After walking up and down the streets for what may have been 30 minutes we finally found a street vendor for animal DNA that was open, although I'm guessing that this guy had opened during the night think he could outsell the other street vendors who sold animal DNA during the night time, but quickly found out that wouldn't be true because he had a 3 for 1 sale, and take no for an answer even after telling my situation and which ones I needed so I ended up with like 12 different DNA vials in which I actually did not need.  But that was fine since might have the need for chemicals upon that of a later day. 

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