The Team

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Well that was the team there was Eric Gleason short and fast with blonde surprisingly long locks, bright green eyes and very pale complexion, he also seemed to be in his late teens.  He was quite intelligent and scrappy seemed to have very good understanding of the early inventions of this time period.  I feel he would be very useful if we got stuck in the forest or on the run from a turned town. 

There was Arthur Frey a large burly man who also happened be a Black Smith forge master.  He quite tall as well with blue eyes as dark as deep oceans and hair like the darkest of nights, and he looked like he was in his mid thirties.  He was slightly tanned and very fit although full of himself he didn't really seem to care about the others and clearly just did not want to be here.  I mean within the first ten seconds the guy said

"you do realize your not even real guard class and that were the random nobodies they didn't want so can I just save us all the trouble of whatever stupid training you got planned and leave now."   I really did not like the guy.

There was Carter Hanson who was probably in his early twenties.  He was really tall and actually very nice and strong with red hair freckles and hazel eyes although he was pretty much blind and barely able to see 3 feet ahead clearly.  Yet surprisingly enough he seemed very good with weapons he just had a very hard time figuring out where he should be swinging.  which I thought I might be able to fix with some sort of invention to help him out

There was Jack Tyler a teen around my age who looked surprisingly somewhat swole with strawberry blond hair and eyes like silver with a slight tan and a bit taller then average.  He wasn't that great at using a close range weapon, but had amazing aim and precision with throwing knives axes and other projectile weapons like that.  

Carter and Jack seemed to get along quite well and considering how one had amazing eyesight well the other didn't I had started to think that maybe there abilities could complement each others during battle.  At least I hoped they could

The next one was Dean Philippe he was big and strong for a mid thirty year old.  He had fiery yellow and red like hair and different kind of hazel with green and blue.  Yet he was also quite slow and timid not really wanting to fight all that much.  He was more of a great strategist.

Another guy was Pedro Martin he was slightly darker skinned then the rest and had only one eye.  He was in his early twenties and even with only one eye he could see much better then anyone else around.  Plus with the way he moved around it was almost like as though he had this innate ability to sense anything and everything around him within twenty five meters it was amazing I honestly could not understand how he was not accepted.

The next guy was Rafael Martinez a some what fast yet small pipsqueak of a late twenty year old although he also had only seven fingers four on his right and three on his left yet he was quite talented with a short sword and a dagger.  He had blue eyes was very pale.  Yet compared to most of the people he was nice very nice.

The last teammate I'm gonna talk about is the 1 and only girl Sofia Ramirez she was quite muscular looking which I had not expected not because she was a girl but because she wasn't accepted.  Although the royal family did warn Alice personally that she had some real bad anger issues we may have to watch out for.

I honestly was not sure how I am supposed to lead a team like this but that was not going to stop me from trying I will turn this team into something if it kills me not that I am sure that is possible anymore,

Invisible Molecule and the Sea of Bloodजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें