New Beginnings

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After that night I didn't get much sleep I was too busy thinking about what Arthur had said as he left, and why his eyes had changed color, as well as how when they returned he seemed to not remember anything he had done while his eyes were that of a fiery reddish silver.  I took the piece of his ear in which I had sliced off for analysis but once I got back to my lab it was to dark meaning that I'd have to wait till morning. 

I'm not sure when I feel asleep that night but I awoke to the sound of my sister screaming.  I quickly jumped out of bed grabbing my sword from the door frame and rushed upstairs the stairs as fast my legs could carry me.  Rushing to the third floor worried that another person had succumb to whatever happened to Arthur.  Yet when I opened the door there was no visible danger.

I then asked loudly.  "What's going on up here, why did  you scream."  My 7 year old sister Clarisse then told me that she had had a nightmare about people fiery reddish silver eyes rising out from sea they followed by terrible sea creatures, in her dream they raised out of the sea and attacked anyone they saw without reason the in the end everything around her was being burnt to the ground as survivors ran in terror.  Although I  suspected it was connected to what happened earlier that I convinced her that it was just a nightmare and that she should go back to sleep.

As I walked back downstairs I tried working out in head what all this might mean.  Yet when I passed Charles room I was surprised to see that his door was just now closing, so I rushed to confront him.  But as soon as I opened the door Charles asked me apprehensively.  "Why didn't you tell her?  Maybe her dream could've helped explain what happened tonight!" 

James then said to him tried and quietly.  "I didn't want to worry her, she was scared enough already not knowing weather not it was real.  Now if you don't have anything nice, or something that could be helpful to say I would like to go to sleep now.  Although I am very open to continuing this conversation tomorrow if your somehow able to sneak past our parents to get into my room.  I'd suggest the secret trap door I hid under your bed which comes in through the wall.  Goodnight Charles."

Charles then looked underneath his bed while waving his hands dismissively.  Yet as I walked past the rack where I put the vials I tripped over one causing me to fall on to my back on top of the rack which broke out from underneath me causing the vials to fly into the air and crash down on top of me as the animal DNA mixed into my bloodstream,  as it mixed I felt a major surge of power as well as whole lot of sharp terrible pain, I was yelling out like a maniac for help yet when my three siblings came down they seemed very unsure about how they could help me out with my predicament, mostly because they having a little trouble with the arrow pin mechanism for the hidden rope Ladder.  

But Charles did grab me an absorbent material of sorts to clean up the blood.  Most of the DNA went into a large cut on my left arm.  Although the material seemed to do a much better job of keeping it in I just wasn't entirely sure about the large surge of power running through my veins that made me feel an odd tingling sensation where cuts were almost as though they were sealing more quickly then usual.  

Although it made me happy because it meant that my earlier theory was right yet it seemed oddly as though the problem fixed itself for me which caused me the question weather it was because the world might need me do something to stop this supposed dangerous sea princess who may or may not ravage the world.   Then again there never any reports for about the possibility of such,  also my skin degeneration seemed to stop which then lead to my parents allowing me to spend more time around my siblings and girls actually paying attention to me for once.

Also my skin looked a whole lot better than ever plus I somehow gained the power to change my molecular structure, regenerate quickly and not age as my body prefeed to revert back to how I looked when I first got them.  In which I decided to never tell another soul, and for many months my life was fine until dreams became reality and eyes became fiery.

Invisible Molecule and the Sea of BloodUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum