Rise of the Sea

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The Sea princess had showed herself to a man at the pub in whom most people believed was very drunk. He was a sailor in whom claimed that one of his crew members went wild attack anyone in sight for almost no reason, and that his eyes had some how changed color, then a large sea monster rose up and the boat causing them to have to dock early. The thing is I had this feeling in the pit of my stomach that I got these powers to stop this attack of the sea from happening. But I really didn't want to since having powers like this could get me into big trouble with the royal guard. There the towns protectors no one gets in or out without passing by them they protected the gates, the walls, and the parpets. They had watchtowers everywhere around the all set up with three archers and one watchmen on a higher pedestal for a better vision of the castles grounds, plus each watchmen had to be tested to make sure that they had the proper vision capabilities in the job required, like not being afraid of heights which just so you know I did before I achieved the ability to become lighter then air and just float through air instead of fall, though now they would see me as too old to train. If anything had decided to attack the palace they would be the first to now about it, well except maybe the fishermen out there. I decided to try out my own little warning system. So I went out into town and used the money I had made using my powers while cutting off my fingers, my siblings had started to become really worried about me since I had been hiding out in my room all day even though my parents had no longer been forcing me to stay inside just like before I had gotten my powers and everything had started to return to the way it was before my parents were alerted about my skins degeneration caused by my terrible birth defect. I took that money went through the castle walls and into the port, I mean literally through the castle walls I mean I didn't even know I could do that, I just used my powers to make the cells in my body small enough to fit through the gaps in between the atoms in which made up the castle walls I slipped through quite easily, and I was just about to leave for the port when something highly unexpected happened. "Who are you, how did you get through so seamlessly. Whats going on here." it was Alice Flairclowven. The first ever Watchwomen to join the palace guard. The commander of the palace guard was reluctant to let her join since a girl had never joined the palace guard before, but after seeing what she could do they had no reason not to, she was even more powerful then most of the men on the palace guard, as well the better trained more requirements needing to be met before joining Royal guard, and they were usually chosen for having been the best of the best. She also had an amazing throwing arm, she was great at axe throwing, Honestly I had started to wonder why she had not yet joined the Royle guard. She was also my best friend we had even started dating in secret before parents forced me inside due to my skin problems. I then raised my sword into the sky to show her it was me. She looked confused and amazed. She then disappeared probably to talk to someone about letting her off her shift early. She then reappeared using one of the special arrows we had made with a hooked rope on the end to fire at a large tree near me. She then used it to swing down towards me. Once she got down to the ground I explained pretty much everything in clear decisive deal as well as that she couldn't tell anyone about this ever I had even ended up telling her about my sisters dream and how I was going to go out the port to find someone, preferably someone with their own boat and how I would be willing to pay them real money for it. In the end Alice had a whole lot of questions in which I was simply unable to answer. Although there was one answer sur was able to bestow upon me. "You know I think that I may have read somewhere from one of the books in my house about a Rasine. If you come back home with me afterwards. I then asked her worriedly. "Are you sure your parents would be ok with that much seeing how I failed to become a watchmen they just saw me as unfit to have her as my girlfriend or fiance. Considering how your father kicked me out of the house after I had tried to ask for his permission, I had a nice ring and everything." Alice then asked steaming with anger. "Wait that's the reason you weren't there that day?! My father had told me it was because you had decided you would rather go bother some young large breasted blonde Germain girl then hang out with me a young slow developing courageously active dirty blonde girl with reddish auburn highlights I had to much vibrant colors dit you to be ok with. I would have said yes by the way. I still feel that way now I had never doubted you for a second I had always felt some kind of amazing warm feeling around you I had known what it was before, now I believe that it may be love. Well except whenever I grasp your hand, you always have oddly cold hands for some reason." after that the two of us laughed for a few seconds for about the world around us. It felt amazing for us to just be us again together against the world. I was just about to clasp her hand to see how she would react when her father who worked in the ports lighthouse/guard tower which the way was like 2.5 times taller then the watch towers back at the castle. "Alice what are you doing with that terrible rubbish person he doesn't so much as deserve to walk amongst the same ground as you do!" Then something very unexpected happend. Alice then said. "Great way to describe yourself dad! She had defended me from her dad, last I knew she loved her dad she never would have done something such as this before. Her dad seemed very angry after that, yet he decided to let us both by without another word. As we out to the port we able to find a small yet fast crew in whos current job was to relay messages between the other boats as well as the guard tower as well as sometimes the kingdom. After explaining the task them they said they would keep me posted for 20 ries and 10 escudo a week. Which I had thought was a total ripoff, until Alice figured out that they were trying to haggle. She was able to talk it down to 13 ries and 7 escudo which I guess was somewhat close to fair. After agreeing on the deal we started to walk back yet as soon as we turned our backs one of the men went over and taped on Alice's shoulder, she then grabbed his arm and flipped him over her shoulder onto the sandy wet shores of the coast line. She then asked him menacingly. "Did I give you permission to touch me." Yet before he could even explain himself another one of the men said loudly and frightened. "Are those the kind of monsters you were talking about" As I turned I saw what looked somewhat like a mermaid yet its feet were detached and it had pointy fins on its arm wearing purple leviathan armor in which was known to most as almost impenetrable seeing how as arrows bounced off it not leaving a single scratch like as though the arrows were made of rubber.  She  had this odd kind beauty to her, with a mix of sky blue scales for skin and seaweed green hair though I could not tell the color of her eyes due to the angle I was looking at her from.  And she was seated on top of a large Thorne emblazoned with skulls and beautiful gemstones perched on top of what looked like a mix between a whale and a hedgehog, its body was covered in sharp poisonous looking spikes. "I an Rasine princess of the sea, and I am here to exact my revenge against humanity, quiver and tremble before me." one of the men on the boat then said. "Were still going to keep the money you gave us, your fault for thinking you could trust us!"

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