Rise of the Sea part 2

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Once the beast had risen to its complete size the fish woman top yelled out ghastly. "I am Rasein princess of the sea! And all land dwellers shall bow down before me as my new loyal subjects!" Alice then asked hear daringly. "And what if we refuse and decide to take you out!" Rasein then said with a crazed look in her eyes. "Then face the army of those I have already turned!" James then asked Rasein perturbedly. "What do you mean by turned!" Rasein then said bewitchingly. "If haven't already experienced an encounter you soon will! Go and your kingdom, I will grant you week to decide. And although I like for you to bow down to me. I would also love to watch you put up fight even if you know that there is truly no chance. Because no one can escape the power of Rasein princess of sea!" A moment after the beast she was riding roared out loudly before submerging its self back into the depths of the sea floor. Alice then said to James demandingly. "Is there something else you want to tell me because it seems like you've got that look like as though you're really thinking about something. You better tell me everything James I need to know what were getting into here! Like first of all what were those!?" James then said to worriedly. "Yes yes I will tell you everything but I would prefer for it to be done behind closed doors. I do remember you saying how you had your own place now. I say you lead me there so that we can talk about this." Alice then said. "Alright fine follow me we've got no time to waste, I don't know how long this could take but I do know that it's important to learn what's going on. Cause this seems like it could turn out to be real bad considering the leviathan armor which shouldn't be possible since that stuff is supposed to be almost indestructible, I don't really see us taking her out easily."

The two of them had started walking to Alice's house when James said vicariously. "You know thinking about my abilities, I could probably beat through the leviathan armor, Considering how I can rearrange my molecules to become literally anything, it's not only likely that could beat through such but also possible I would be able to stand up to that of literally anything they could ever throw at me. Plus I can really regenerate now at amazing speeds in which that of literally nothing else could. Plus I can run incredibly fast, maybe even faster than a cheetah possibly, I'm not entirely sure. " Alice then said while being slightly flirtatious yet also showing what I think was a sliver of jealousy. "Yes but what about the rest of us. You can't stop that of an entire army by yourself. We're going to need an amazing team because this could be one heck of a battle if you ask me. Although I am really not sure who would sign up for this deathtrap of a mission." James then said bravely. "Well maybe they would sign up for the chance to save everyone I mean think about it. Anyone who does sign up would probably be known as eternal heroes, everyone would probably be quite nice to us afterwards, get where I'm going here. I'm sure we will find someone to join us."

They later got to Alice's house it was nice and quaint yet quite long.  With stairs leading up to a small solitary bedroom with a closet, the floor seemed to descend yet oddly enough the ceiling stayed at the same height giving the illusion that the house got gradually taller.  Alice then told me kindly.  "You can grab a snack form the cold cave like room at the back, the lower altitude along with the enclosed rocks around it tend to keep things very cold."  James then said to her slightly amazed.  "How could you afford this on a watch women's pay isn't about 48 reis a week along with bed and board deducted from it so it's really instead 23 reis a week."  Alice then explained happily.  "Exactly, seeing how I am the only girl watch men they gave a regular room meant for 9 including a kitchen 9 bedrooms and 2 bathroom along with a communal dining room and living room.  So being the smart girl I am I let 9 other people live in my free bed and board charging each of them 6 reis a week and used the money to buy my own place."  James then said kindly.  "That is smart of you I mean the profits from that along with your pay your gaining about 77 reis a week which is a lot plus people have reason to pick you over others since since you charge 6 reis for 7 nights along with two free meals a day.  While the lowest inn prices I've ever heard of were 1 reis a day for just the room not including the meal your prices are much better value than anything else out there I don't see why anyone who doesn't already own a house anyways."  Alice then asked James excitedly.  "So what do you know about this, Rasein princess of the sea."  James then said sheepishly and slowly.  "Well the thing is technically I don't know Rasein I just may know the but I do believe I know what she was talking about by someone being turned.  You know Arthur Martin?"  Alice then said slowly getting it.  "Yeah although he has been acting strangely different and very rude lately.  Are you saying that's because he was turned, is that what happens to people who are turned?"  James then said quickly interrupting her train of thought.  "I don't know I am not sure but I believe so.  Now I need to tell you something else.  You know my sister Clarisse right?"  "Yeah she's the youngest one.  Why?"  She asked confused not yet realizing where this was going.  "Well she had a nightmare that same night I found out about Arthur Martin, it was about Rasein the town was destroyed everything was ablaze.  Monsters were rising out of the sea and killing people, while other people with blazing eyes like Arthur's were rising against the worriers such as yourself it was a terrible battle!  Yet she didn't see anything else she woke up before seeing how it went.  At first I thought nothing of it but now I realize that it very well may just be our future.  There's also the message Arthur  Martin delivered to me; yesterday in envelope apparently from Rasein the princess  of sea herself it said!  When dreams become reality and the eyes of my enemies blaze like the sun, when the sea is turned red with the blood of those who chose to oppose me only will I will consider sparing the human race!  It's what convinced me to do this today   Alice seemed almost stunned with shock or she zoned it thinking about what had told her.  But luckily she recovered her conviction quickly and asked me sternly.  "Well then smart guy what do you suggest we do to stop this?"

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