I'm not the same

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" WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN?!" Blossom yelled at her sisters. " your the weak one Blossom. We don't need you to hold us back. Your out." Buttercup glared. Blossom stood there and watched as her sisters flew off. 'Jerks. I'm the smart one......I'm the strong one......maybe I am better off with out them...without me, they are nothing.' Blossom thought to herself. 'I'm not coming back home, I don't want to see them.' Blossom's thoughts deepens at she thinks. 'Maybe.......' She started flying near Townsville. Still very upset at her sisters, but she's doing her best to forget it....to forget them.

"Hello?" Said a green monkey as he Opened the door. " YOU! What are you doing here?!" Mojo snapped. " it's a long story. Can I stay here for a while?" Blossom rubbed the back of her neck. Her long orange hair damp from the rain. Her pink eyes shined bright with hope, anger, and fear. She threw away her hair bow, in frustration. Blossom's pink dress was covered in mud and water...and tears. " hmmmm.....come in and we will talk, Mojo doesn't know how he feels about this." He said rubbing his chin. " thanks" Blossom muttered and walked in.

" They just kicked you out?!" Mojo seemed surprised as the 18 year old girl told her story. " so, can I crash here for a few days....just until I find someone to help me out?" Blossom asked mojo. " hmmm....why not? But uh....if your fine with sleeping on the couch...I did have guest rooms until I had the boys." " the what now?" Blossom puzzled. " my kids....in fact...I haven't seen them at all today..." Mojo looked around in confusion. " mojo don't know...." He whispered. Blossom smiled. " the couch is fine. Thank you Mojo." " Let Mojo get you clean shirt." Mojo, walked down the hall and Blossom followed.

Blossom walked back into the living room wearing a red shirt and black shorts she kept in a bag for just in case. She saw Boomer sitting on the couch playing video games with Butch. " Dumb ass!" Butch yelled. " yes, you are!" Boomer yelled back. Brick rolled his eyes as he leaned against the kitchen counter with a bottle of water. " uh....boys." Mojo said aloud. Brick glanced over at his created who was standing by the use to been powderpuff girl leader. His red eyes looked at her head to toe. His orange bangs covered his eyes, so Blossom didn't know he was scanning her. Brick soon realized Blossom was wearing his shirt....and he didn't care. Boomer and Butch turned around and saw Blossom as well. " you boys are not freaking out?" Mojo asked. " not really, I read the newspaper and told those to idiots what happened." Brick said with his arms crossed. " well, she will be staying with us for a while. " Mojo looked at a clock. " get to bed boys, it's late."

Blossom sat on the couch with her ear buds in. " 666 PARTY WITH THE DEVIL BITCH, I WILL NEVER BE A PERFECT FUCKING IMAGIN OF WHAT YOU WANT!!!!!!" Blossom's music rang threw her ears. Attile was a band she listens to when she's sad. Makes her feel better. Someone pulled out Blossom's ear bud and she looked up to see a shirt less Brick holding her ear bud. " hey." Said Blossom, as she pulled the other one out. " hey" brick sat on the couch. " are you ok?" Blossom asked Brick. " No.....no I'm
not....." He looked back at her. She never seen him without his hat. But yet, his bangs were covering his eyes. " Bloss.....I kinda....need someone to talk to." Brick looked down at the floor. Blossom sat back up and put her hand on his shoulder. " I'm here." Blossom smiled lightly. " thanks." Brick smiled back. " what's up?" Blossom cocked her head. " I'm sorry." Brick said back. Blossom sat there quietly " f-for what?" She asked. " for everything in the past. It was really immature to fight the way we did. And now look at you, having to live under the same roof as my brothers, dad, and I. I just wanted to get that out of the way." Blossom eyes grew soft. " it's ok...it's ok, I understand" blossom softly smiled and Brick placed his hand over Blossom's. But, then he pulled away, really fast. " holy shit!" He said standing up shaking his hand as smoke rose from it. " are you ok?" Brick turned around and places his hand on Blossoms forehead. " what the hell.....your heads not hot, but your hands are. Let's go outside for a sec, ok?" Blossom nodes and stood up.

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