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"I'm so ready and willing and able it's untrue"

Pulp - Seductive Barry

Chapter Text

Unfortunately, on Saturday night Alex was late for the gig. First the tube broke down, and then the bus he was expecting to come in 15 mins arrived 40 mins later. It's nearly 9 when he finally pushed open the front door, welcomed by Eva's low, powerful voice echoing inside the bar.

"This is the last one." She announced when Alex found himself a hidden spot to the right-hand side of the stage, all the way at the front. It was close to where Miles was standing, who's busy tuning his guitar. When he looked up from the strings, Alex raised his hand for attention.

Miles' gaze was attached to him immediately. A blinding smile lightened his face as Miles winked at Alex, his posture changing from tense to something more assured. During the entire performance, Alex's eyes was locked on him. Miles only did backing vocal on this song, yet the way he looked down at the audience when the lights hit him would make anyone believe he owned the stage.

For a five minute performance, that was certainly beyond Alex's expectation.

Once the stage was cleared, Alex walked towards the backstage door to greet the band. "You missed the best part!" Eva rushed out, shaking her finger in fake annoyance when she spotted Alex. "Buy us a drink and you're forgiven."

Alex looked around. His gaze briefly landed on Miles, who's whispering something to the bassist. Alex had only talked to Eva twice through phone. A round of self-introductions ended with Miles shaking Alex's hand, as if they had just met for the first time. Miles was all sweaty from the show. Alex had an unexpected impulse of flipping his wet fringe to the side, which surprised himself as they all went to the bar for a drink.

They decided to stay and see the next band playing. Half way through the show, Alex realized Miles was distant tonight. He chose to stand beside Alex but didn't bother with a conversation whatsoever. He didn't even participate much in all the small talks everyone else was having.

"What's your problem mate, the weed went to your brain or something?" Joe shouted, slapping Miles on the shoulder.

Miles startled, casting a quick glance at Alex out of reflex. "I'll go for a smoke, wanna join?" Miles gestured towards the side door, the scene being a mirror image of the other night. Alex almost gave them away by laughing out loud.

He followed Miles into the warm, dry air of summer night. It wasn't fully dark yet, and the last rays of light kissed them both generously. This was somewhat frightening to Alex. These days, he's more used to the darkness at 3 in the morning.

Miles did bring cigarettes, yet he didn't even try to roll himself one as Alex closed the door. "Thought you stood me up." He scratched the back of his head. The cold, indifferent expression vanished as Miles turned back to face Alex.

"Thought you changed your mind." Alex mimicked the smile Miles offered. He leaned back against the wall, letting the taller boy tower over him. "Sorry I was late. The traffic was a state, man. I don-"

His explanation was rudely interrupted by Miles' lips against his. Miles held onto Alex's arms, but there was no pressure in his grip. On the contrary, when Alex's tongue demanded submission, Miles parted his teeth obediently, letting Alex taste the bitterness of alcohol inside his mouth.

"I can't fucking concentrate in there." Miles complaint when Alex pulled back to take a breath.

His eagerness made Alex chuckle in delight. "That's why you were such a wanker tonight?"

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