Chap 6

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"I don't love anyone, but you are not just anyone. You are not just anyone to me."

Peter Doherty - I Don't Love Anyone


Alex woke up to an empty room and the sound of Miles laughing from downstairs.

He was instantly fully awake, jumping out of bed as he heard Penny's high voice, which usually meant she was extremely pleased. In less than 5 mins, Alex was freshened up and dressed in his normal clothes (no red trousers ever again, for fuck sake). At the dining table, he was welcomed by Miles sitting on the far end of the table, dressed in Alex's old Stone Roses T-shirt, telling Penny something in a low voice that had her chuckle endlessly.

He put on a big smile as Alex dragged himself into the dining room. "Morning, Al!"

For a moment, Alex simply thought he had gone crazy and dreamed last night up. He slid in the seat beside Miles when Penny went back into the kitchen to make him breakfast.

"What the hell, Miles?" Alex filched Miles' coffee cup and took a sip. He couldn't keep his eyes away from Miles' throat. Through the open window, bright daylight was casted in, falling on the left side of his lean frame. The bruise had turned into a scary purplish colour, and Miles had it on display openly under the sun.

A pleasant feeling crept into Alex's stomach despite everything, and before he knew, he was reaching out a hand to touch the mark.

"Told her it was from a bar fight and me hero, Mr. Alex Turner, arrived right in time to save me arse." Miles grinned, winking knowingly when Alex's hand dropped abruptly on the table. Penny put down a full plate in front of Alex, who was busy blushing.

"You alright, love? You look a bit flushed." She put a hand on Alex's forehead, then went on to smooth his long hair when she didn't find him warm. Alex swore Miles was laughing at him behind the coffee cup. He muttered some ridiculous excuse about the heat in the room, relieved when she finally left them alone.

Penny pat the back of his neck before she went for the door. "Take good care of our guest, Alex."

"Oh madam, I'm sure he will." Miles mouthed at him mischievously. Alex didn't smile back. He frowned at how carefree Miles seemed to be. How came he was the only one who was deeply affected by last night, crushed by guilt...and fear?

"Come on, Al." Said Miles. The light, nonchalant manner disappeared as Miles scratched his neck subconsciously. He continued, almost looking timid. "No need to get all worked up here."

"I didn't." Alex argued feebly.

Miles read him equally well. He leaned over, assured Alex word by word. "We're not fighting."

"I know."

Miles shook his head in annoyance. "You're not so easy to talk to this morning, you know that as well?"

Those untimely jokes. Alex glared at Miles while the young lad stood up, circling around the table to be right in front of Alex. "Okay, I'm sorry if you feel like shit, Al. But you deserve it, so I'm not going to say something nice to help." Miles shrugged. His eyes were gentle, although he was technically mocking at Alex. And true to his words, Miles didn't seem to be angry, or at least he didn't let it show.

Out of nowhere, Miles asked, "Go on a date with me."

It took Alex a few seconds to be sure his ears were working properly.

"Er- what?" Alex stuttered, his train of thoughts going straight down to a cliff.

"You don't have to say yes." Miles shrugged again once he noticed how uneasy Alex became. The longer Alex stayed quiet, the less confident Miles seemed to be. Eventually, a sad smile tugged his lips up. Miles looked at Alex earnestly, as if to permanently take part of Alex into himself. "Well...I guess that's a no."

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