twenty- three

63 1 0

Louis Tomlinson

Jesus i swear Harry can make me hard even at the little things.

"No" he said. He went down the bike and crossed his arms around his chest.

"Cmon sweetie, you dont need to do much" i begged. Sometimes, i really wanna resist the feeling just because i wanna save it when we get married. Marriage isnt on my mind right now but that's just it. I wanna respect harry inside and outside. I wanna take care of him and love him purely.

I wanna give all of myself to him. I dont mind if he's going to hurt me in the end because he cant. He cant take to hurt someone he loves and that just proves when im with him and when he's telling stories. His stories are what he is and i wanna respect him.

"fine harry" i stood up the couch with a hard on and pulled him to myself and hugged him tight.

"Im so sorry Lou, its just that... im not yet ready" he explained. I pulled him out and kissed his forehead.

"I understand, sorry for being so childish. I know that i wont get immediately  everything i ask" i smiled at him and he nodded.

"Thank you for understanding me, Louis. I love you with all my heart." he softly said.

I lifted his chin up and looked into his eyes.

"You are always in my heart, Harry Edward Styles." i placed one of his hands on my chest right into my heart and he cuddled me.

"Happy monthsarry babe" he whispered.

"Happy monthsarry too lovely" i piched his cheeks.

"Now go get dress because we are going on an adventure" i said and he excitedly went to the bathroom and showered.

I want to bring him to a place he havent visited before and that place is one of the closest places to my heart.

I just feel like this place has a lot of values i treasure the most when i started my business. This place is where i work all day, tears, sweat, and blood was executed. This is where my all hardwork paid off. This is the place where my success began.

I wanna do this as a thank you gift for Harry since he also has a place in my heart.

Rc: 703 i cant believe it:((( this is just a short update for now, i have my drafts alreadyyyy and they r loooonnnggggg

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