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Sorry for not updating in a while but I've been busy with tests and such.  I'm back now and I will be writing as much as I can.

"So this boy simply fell through the void of the Tower of Fate?"

It had only been a day since the strange boy suddenly appeared in the Tower of Fate. And this teen was strange. He had Japanese features, but had natural auburn hair, a rare trait, especially for the Japanese, and golden-brown eyes. However, what was most shocking was the potent magical energy Kent could sense from the boy. The magical energy reminded Kent both of the fae and of multiple different magical artifacts. Unfortunately, the boy was also injured, missing an arm, so Kent had called his old friend Red Tornado for help.

Tornado had brought some medical equipment, and they had placed the boy

"Yes, but what's most remarkable is his arm," Kent said, watching the unconscious boy on the medical bed. "It seemed that the arm was cut off completely but it just regrew like a salamander's tail. It seems to be in perfect condition too."

"Such powerful regeneration...." Red Tornado muttered. "It's rather impressive, but it seems magical in origin. I've detected no biological nor could mechanical tampering that could cause such regeneration."

"I came to that conclusion as well," Kent said, "but kids with limb healing magic don't just fall from the sky. At least they shouldn't."

"Yes," Red Tornado agreed. "It is quite unusual. Do you think he's one of your enemies?"

Kent scratched his chin. "I don't sense any chaos magic, nor any kind of magic I'm familiar with. There are traces of familiar powers, but nothing exact."

"I see," Tornado observed. "I wonder how he ended up in the Tower. Have you consulted Nabu?"

"I swore to Inza I'd never put on that blasted helmet," Kent shook his head, "and I intend to keep that promise."

Tornado nods in understanding. "I just wish that-"

Tornado was interrupted by the stirring of the teen, which got the full attention of both android and magician.

"Are you okay?" Kent asked worriedly.

"What's your name?" Red Tornado asked.

The teen groans, siting up and grabbing his head. "W-who are y-AAAHHH!" he screamed in Japanese, opening his eyes in shock at Red Tornado.

"Is something wrong?" Red Tornado asked in Japanese.

"W-what are you?" teen said, getting over his shock.

This caused both Tornado and Kent to blink in surprise. "You don't recognize him?" Kent asked.

"Um... no...." teen replied. "Should I?"

The two looked at each other as if having a silent conversation.

"Young man," Kent said, "we will need you to tell us exactly who you are."

The teen blinked and shifted uncomfortably. "That's something... I'm not comfortable talking about...." He looks down, staring down at his hands. Then he blinked, realizing something.

"W-what?" the teen screamed, staring at his left arm in shock. "H-how...?"

The two heroes looked at each other. This boy didn't realize his powerful healing factor?

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