Battle of the Tower of Fate

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It's been three months since Shirou first became Kent Nelson's ward. Kent was a kind and wise guardian, providing Shirou with all the freedom and resources available. Shirou had surprisingly discovered that the Tower of Fate that he and Kent lived in was located in Salem, Massachusetts in the United States. Luckily Shirou lived with an English teacher. Good old Fuji-nee.

Shirou had managed to acclimate to this new world at a slow but steady pace. Both the current year and the technological level is higher than his own world's and the aliens of this world weren't superbeings like the Types. Instead, the aliens were similar to human beings in certain aspects, though they typically have some sort of strange feature or power. Additionally, there are an increased number of countries that did not exist in Shirou's old world. However, what Shirou found most surprising was the concept of superheroes; they were an actual thing in this world, with both humans and aliens, dressed in costumes, fought against crime.

As for Shirou's magical studies, he discovered the thaumaturgic systems of this world were so simple, yet so incredible. It was as if this world was still in an Age of Gods, though with the levels of magecraft Shirou's seen, that may be true. Even a novice like Shirou could make use of some miracles. He found spells and rituals for all sorts of purposes, though none for navigating through dimensions. As unfortunate as it is, Shirou found no way to get back to Sakura, at least for now.

Having heard of Shirou's dilemma, Kent has been going on journeys around the world, in search of the mystical. He would leave in the morning, but he'd always return by the time Shirou started dinner. However, one day, Kent didn't make it to their usual family dinners, then missing the next one and the next one. Soon, Kent had been missing for 23 days, causing both Shirou and Red Tornado to worry.

"And you're saying that this Madame Xanadu had no information?" Red Tornado said over the communication device.

"I'm afraid not," Shirou sighed. "I visited her and she had some mystical talent, though she herself seemed to be a nonbeliever. She did say something about a tall, muscular man with a goatee grabbing Kent and disappearing. It scarred her pretty badly."

"We'll send someone to check her out and provide some compensation," Red Tornado replied. "And Kent's cane?"

"It appeared inside the Tower at the time of Kent's disappearance. I placed it someplace safe."

"That's good to know. I shall be sending a team over to check up on you, Shirou. They're that covert team that the League has been utilizing."

"The one made of former sidekicks?" Shirou asked.

"It would be better for you not to call them that. They're rather sensitive to that word."

Shirou laughs. "I understand. I'll make sure-"

The sounds of bells chime, filling the room and causing Shirou to grow quiet.

"Someone's entered the tower," he reported. "Your team?"

"Most likely," Tornado said. "Please go greet them."

Shirou closes his eyes, letting the spells tell him of their location. "They seem to be in the location where I placed Kent's cane. We'll talk later, Tornado."

"Understood," Red Tornado nodded as he switched off the communication device. Shirou, meanwhile, headed to the door, bringing out a ring full of keys. He put a key with a snowflake's emblem on it into the keyhole, twisting the doorknob and opening the door, now a portal. It took him to a frozen wasteland where three people shivered in the cold: a handsome, black haired, muscular Caucasian boy with permanent scowl, a green skinned girl with red hair, and a dark skinned, blonde boy with strange tattoos. When they saw him, they seemed to get ready for a fight, causing Shirou to draw his blades in retaliation.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2019 ⏰

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