Emerald Forest

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<Onyx's POV>

I yawned as I jumped over a log, almost tripping over it. I managed to land on all fours.

I looked around, I'm alone. Good. I sighed and sat down.

Sorry, a bit rude of me not to tell you who or what I am, I'm a Grimm, though I'm one of the few like me, I can speak like humans when I want to. And I can be humanoid, or on all fours.

I have some powers, shapshifting and dust powers, like fire. So, yeah.

I'm currently hiding from humans. They were sent to kill me. But I won't let them find me. And I won't kill them, more will just come, so there is no point.

"I think it went this way!" I heard one say and I shifted into a human, I was wearing a hoodie and jeans in my human form.

"Where did it go?" I heard another say as they ran into the clearing I was in.

I turned to them, trying to 'act normal' but I just stood still, hoping they ignored me "Great! we lost it you dolt!" I heard the one wearing a white shout at the one in red.

"Hey, maybe she saw where it went?" the one wearing black said, referring to me. I can't really speak while in my human form, not used to speaking in this form.

"Hey, random girl! have you seen a Grimm around here?" the one in red asked. I pointed in a random direction.

<Blake's POV>

The girl pointed north, I think.

Some thing I noticed is that the paw prints in the snow ended with that girl. Strange.

"Okay, when?" Yang asked. Finally, being calm about something. "A-A wh-while..ago" she responded, her voice was raspy, and quiet.

"Damn it" I sighed.

"Well..we tried, lets go back to beacon" Yang said.

"B-Beacon?" the girl asked, confusion in her voice. "Beacon Academy, you haven't heard of it?" I asked. 

She shook her head. "How could you not!? it's only the best academy for hunters!!" Weiss snapped, making the girl jump. "I-I.." she stuttered.

"Hey, cut it out Weiss!" Yang snapped at Weiss, I sighed and walked over to the girl. "You alright?" I asked, she nodded. "What are you doing all the way out here? its not safe" I asked.

"I..like to go for..walks..sometimes" she paused as if she struggled to find words to say.

Before anyone could say anything else a Ursa Grimm approached us.

"Crap!" I said, jumped back away from it.

"Get behind me" Ruby said to the girl.

<Onyx's POV>

I jumped back, almost falling over.

Also..I do have another two powers, I can summons weapons, or..copies of existing weapons. They look like the real thing, just without colour. My other power is that I can copy other's 'Semblances' as the humans call them, but I can only have two saved at a time.

I looked around for a weapon to copy, the red girl had a scythe, so I quickly created a copy of it and I grabbed it from the air.

"Woah!" I heard one of them exclaim.

I jumped up high in the air, inborn ability, not a power. And I then brought it down on the Ursa's head, making a direct hit with the blade, cutting straight through the skull. But it didn't die, so I jumped onto it's back, taking the scythe out it's skull and I slashed at it's back. "GET OFF ME!!" It growled, I can understand what it's saying, I'm a Grimm, remember?

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