First Class

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Sorry for this! I'm altering the events in RWBY for this story, again, sorry. I hate doing this but after this it will be a lot closer to the ACTUAL events in RWBY. Sorry, and hope you enjoy this chapter!

<Onyx's POV>

"Onyx...Onyx...wake up" I heard Blake's voice say as I slowly opened my eyes, I yawned and sat up "What..time is it?" I asked.

"Almost 9, we have a class to go to now get up and shift" she said, I fully opened my eyes, everyone was waiting for me.

I quickly got out of bed and shifted to my on all fours Grimm Form.

"Lead the way" I sighed. And we made our way to class. When we reached a busy hall EVERYONE stared at me. I moved closer to Blake, she noticed I was getting nervous so she petted me on the head lightly. It calmed me down a bit.

As we passed by students I heard phrases like 'I wonder if it's tamed' or 'I can't believe they are letting a monster in here'

I was getting more and more scared by the moment. But thankfully we reached the class and went in. "Team RWBY! your early" the teacher said as Blake lead me to our-..their..desks. And we sat down.

I noticed a spare chair next to Blake so I shifted to my Faunus form and sat next to her, my mask fully on my face.

"So..your that Grimm I heard about? I'm Professor Port, nice to meet you" the teacher said, I smiled a little. At least hes nice.

 Once everyone got to their seats Port began speaking, I noticed how he was careful about some words. Possibly because of me, I have to ask him after.

"That is what you are training to become. But first; A story. A tale of a young, handsome man...Me!" Port said.

"Or so he wishes" I whispered to Ruby. Blake and Yang and they chuckled a little. Weiss rolled her eyes.

I listened to the rest of Port's story, I could have those traits. No. I DO have those traits.

"So, who among you believes themselves to be the embodiment of these traits?"

Me and Weiss both put our hands up at the same time.

"I DO SIR!" We said at the same time, we then glared at each other. 

"Well, then, let's find out! Onyx your up first!" Port said, I looked at Blake, copied her weapons and saved them in memory, then walked down to him and he pointed to a cage that has red glowing eyes in it.

A Boarbatusk, I can tell.

"Gooooooo, Onyx!" Yang cheered.

Blake was waving a small, hand-made flag with 'RWBY' on it, but there was also a Grimm on it, me. "Fight well!" Blake cheered.

"Yeah! represent ttteeeaaammmm RWBY!" Ruby cheered.

"I will!" I smirked. Summoning a copy of Blake's two swords and grabbing them from the air. Spinning them around in my hands a bit to show off.

Port took his Axe out and walked over to the cage. "Alllright!" he started before hitting the lock as hard as he could.

"Let the match begin!" he said as the Boarbatusk charged out as me.

I jumped over it and landed behind it, I quickly turned around and slashed at it.

It turned around and it headbutted me before grabbing my arm with it's mouth and it threw me across the room and I hit the wall.


"Hang in there! Onyx!" I heard Ruby say as I shifted to my humanoid Grimm form and I charged at the Boarbatusk.

It was charging at me, too. 

I grabbed it's tusks and it pushed against me, trying to force me to the ground, but I held my ground.

"Try and beat me, pet" it growled "I won't try, I WILL KILL YOU" I growled back in Grimm.

I forced it back and let go of it's tusk's and I jumped over it and kicked it in the back before shifting back to my Grimm Faunus form and I copied Ruby's scythe from memory and I sliced it in half.

I fell to the ground as the dead Boarbatusk turned to dust.

"Bravo! Bra-vo! Weiss! your up!" Port said as I went back to my seat. Weiss pushing me to the side.

During Weiss's fight with another Boarbatusk Ruby tried to help and encourage her, but Weiss kept having a go at Ruby, and at the end Ruby looked depressed.

"Bravo! It appears like we are indeed in the presence of two true Huntress's in training!" Port said, smiling at Weiss and me.

"I'm afraid that is all the time we have for now. Be sure to read over the assigned readings and....stay vigilant! Class dismissed!"

Weiss glared at us and left.

"Sheesh, what's with her?" Jaune asked. I shrugged.

"So..Blake, what do have next?" I asked. "Let's see..." she said, before checking the time. "Back to our dorm, let's go" she responded.

I nodded, "Okay" 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2020 ⏰

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