1: I Hate Mondays

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When he woke up, Sal felt a bit.... weird. He always felt weird, but this was a different kind of weird, almost like there was pins and needles in his tummy. Sal was prone to nightmares, but surprisingly, he'd had none last night. Maybe that's why he felt weird. But he couldn't shake the feeling something was up. He always got these feelings in his stomach when something was going to happen, and this was a different kind of feeling. He couldn't tell what it was, but he knew he had to be on guard.

He put it in the back of his mind, and for now just stayed snuggled up in his blanket, enjoying the warmth and comfort of his bed. No more sleeping in, not now that Winter Break was done. Nope, now it was just school bags that might as well have been filled with bricks, and douchey Alpha pricks walking the halls like they owned the place. When his alarm finally started buzzing, and the time came to crawl out of bed, he was met with a horrible pain in his lower stomach. Sal doubled over, hugging his stomach and groaning, as sat himself down on his bed. It felt like someone had reached inside him and started twisting his guts around, or had cut him open and left his organs hanging out. The pain faded after a minute or two of deep breathing, and Sal managed to stand again, swaying slightly. Fuck his God like intuition, maybe he had appendicitis or something. It felt like that, anyway. Perhaps he'd ruptured one of his organs. Whatever it was, it hurt like a bitch.

He pulled out some clothes- red skinny jeans and a baggy black hoodie- and didn't bother putting his hair up for once, he was too tired and uncomfortable to do that right now. Once his eye was slipped in and his prosthetic clipped on, he grabbed his school bag and slipped on his sneakers, and left his room.

"Morning dad" he said as he entered the sitting room. Dad was sitting at their sad little kitchen table, eating a bowl of cereal with some coffee, and a paper in hand and Gizmo sleeping at his feet. "Morning son" he replied, not looking up from his paper. Sal would have mentioned the horrid pain in his stomach, but today was his father's day off, and there was nothing he wanted less than to spend a day alone in his apartment with his dad. No way.

The stabbing pain quickly faded to a dull ache in his bowels as he rushed to the elevator. It descended slowly, leaving him with a bit of time to pull himself together, though that was easier said than done. He leaned against the wall of the elevator, gritting his teeth together as the pain returned, stabbing something sensitive right at his center. God, he felt like breaking down in tears. Finally, the elevator came to an abrupt stop, which sent him stumbling slightly. The door opened, slowly as usual, and where Sal expected to see his friends, stood only Larry.

"What's the hold up, man?" Larry asked as he rushed over. He was dressed rather lazily, in his dirty red hoodie and ripped black skinny jeans with some boots on.

"Sorry, woke up late" Sal lied, coming to a stop in front of him. "Where's Todd?"

"Went ahead. Didn't wanna be late on the first day back. Come on."

The two of them left together, and as soon as he walked out into the cold January air, Sal wished he'd wrapped up better. He felt the hair on his covered arms raised, and rubbed them to quickly warm them up.

"You know what 's starting today?" Larry asked, sticking his hands in his red hoodie pockets as they walked.

Sal looked up at him, quirking an eyebrow under his mask. "Um, school?"

"Yeah, but what else?"

The blue haired boy glanced aside for a moment, wracking his tired brain for any idea. What else was starting up this morning? Maybe something had been announced before the Winter Break that he didn't pay attention to. He thought about it until his head hurt, before sighing, defeated, and looking back at his best friend. "... I'm lost, dude, what is it?"

Why Me? (Sal x Larry, Omegaverse)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz