2: Sexual Education

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Sal didn't hate a lot of things, but he'd always hated how Omegas were treated. People could call him an activist or a feminist or a crazy leftist or whatever they wanted, he didn't give a damn. He could still vividly remember his first class, at eight years old, when his entire class had been taught the difference between Alphas, Beta's and Omega's. As little kids all they knew was what their parents had told them, which could be boiled down to 'Alphas rule and Omegas drool'. It only got worse once he'd started high school. His Alpha classmates loved to bully him for everything, from his prosthetic face to his fluorescent blue pigtails. He only ever reacted when they'd call him an Omega. Sal didn't take kindly to jokes or insults made about Omegas, whether it was to him or to someone else. His own mother had been one, and Sal couldn't have been more grateful to have her, even if it was only for the first five years of his life. Had he not, he probably wouldn't have the respect that no one else really had for Omegas.

The bottom of his stomach ached as he wandered the halls behind Todd and Ash, who chattered away about whatever had happened over the weekend, and he was in so much pain he could barely keep his attention on walking. His bowels felt like burning hot rocks, heavy enough to drop right out of him, and it felt as if hands were reaching inside him and twisting his guts around. God, the pain was so bad his legs had gone numb. He just wanted to sit down. His head was spinning. He needed to sit down or he'd collapse.

Sal barely noticed he was being spoken to until Todd split up from them, headed towards his own class and leaving him alone with Ashley, who was staring at him worriedly, trying to get his attention. "Sal are you okay?"

"H-Huh? O-Oh, yeah" he mumbled in response, turning his head to look at her properly. He could see it in her face that she didn't believe it, as she looked him up and down, biting her glossy bottom lip to silence herself. "You don't look fine..."

"I'm sick" Sal said, rather simply, as he looked back to the floor, holding his arms to keep them from shaking. He just needed to focus on getting to his class. Once he was there he'd be fine. Ashley clearly didn't believe him, but she said nothing else about it as they continued walking the mostly deserted halls. It felt like an eternity before they finally got there, and the noise of the room made Sal's head spin. He practically fell into a free seat, Ash quickly taking up the desk next to him, and reaching over to put her hand on his shoulder as he held his aching head in his hand. "Are you okay?" she whispered, though to him, it seemed like the loudest thing in the room.

Before he got the chance to respond, the door of the class room opened, and the constant chatter from the many students was silenced by a yell from their teacher. Sal, feeling as if his head was about to pop, cracked his eyes open and raised his head to look. It was one of the homeroom teachers, one he didn't know the name of, accompanied by a middle aged woman dressed in a mint blouse and black pants, not the woman who usually taught their sex ed courses. Sal's sense receptors had been badly damaged in the childhood incident that left him faceless, but he could still pick up the distinct smell of an Alpha. An Alpha teaching a Beta class, of course.

"Class" announced their homeroom teacher, a pudgy middle aged man with a receding hairline and thick lensed glasses. Most students fell silent and organised themselves into their seats. "this is Miss Baxter, she'll be leading your Sex Education class for the next three days."

"Where's Marie Ann?" one boy from the back of the room asked.

"Ms. FitzPatrick is unwell today, down with a nasty flu spout. But Ms.Baxter here is able to answer all your questions just as well."

There was a few nervous murmurs amongst the overcrowded class. Marie Ann, a lovely guidance counselor in her sixties, had taught their sex Ed classes at least since Sal's first year, and she was quite lovely. She didn't shame anyone, and always scolded the kids that laughed during the class.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2019 ⏰

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