Joshua Moore and Jessica.

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 Joshua and I sat on the couch on the We Came As Romans tour bus arguing over which movie is better. The rest of the band got bored with us and let to go to a party. I had been friends with the guys since the beginning and Joshua hasn't gotten it through his gorgeous head that Avengers is in fact the best super hero movie there ever was.

"Batman!" Josh shouts holding The Dark Knight up and I just roll my eyes.

"Nope!  Avengers! Avengers is beyond perfection!" I reach over and pull his knit brown beanie over his face. He then proceeds to throw a diva fit. 

"My beautiful face! How could you?! Noooo!" He whines rolling around on the couch. I couldn't help but laugh.

"You've just been Loki'd!" I shout out with a laugh before he pulls his beaning back properly on his head. Fixing his hair. 

"What the fuck does that even mean?" He asks raising an eyebrow.

"Okay. That's it. It's fucking Avengers time. We are watching it. It's final." I jump up from the couch as a whining Moore complains. I turn around sticking my tongue out, my blond hair flipping around my shoulders. I slide in my brand new copy of Avengers before plopping down on the couch. I grab the bowl of popcorn we were sharing setting in on my lap as I intensely watch the movie. That's when Josh decides to lay his head on my shoulder and poke my cheek.

"Jeeessicaaaa." Was what came out of his mouth as he continued to poke my cheek. I swipe his hand away not paying much attention because I was so focused on the movie. He then grabs the popcorn, puts it on his lap, and plops his head down onto my lap. His big brown eyes looking up at me with a puppy dog pout on his perfect lips. God, he was beautiful. "Can we pleeeaaaaaaase watch Batman?" He pleads with me. I tried to hide the small smile about to play out on my lips.

"Josh you'd like this movie if you'd pay attention! I promise! Now just watch it?" He rolls his eyes, so I decide to pout. "For me?" He then quiets down and adverts his attention back to the movie. I do a silent victory dance in my head before focusing back in on the movie. Not but five minutes later did  a piece of popcorn fly from Josh's hand and bounce of my nose. "Josh!" I shout surprised and he just does a complete belly laugh, about to knock the popcorn on the floor. I reach for a handful and toss it down on his face. His mouth opens widely as if to act completely shocked by my actions. I couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"Oh this means war." He calls out before jumping off the couch with the bowl of popcorn throwing handful after handful at me. The Avengers had officially broke out into the tour bus. Between laughs I grabbed fist fulls of popcorn from off the couch and floor aiming them at Josh's face. When all the popcorn left the bowl and fell out onto everything else he used the bowl as a shield. Oh my God, he was Captain America and he didn't even realize it. Joshua then flings the bowl across the bus and jumps on me, knocking us onto the couch. He proceeds to dig his hands into my sides, tickling me with no mercy.

"Jo- osh! St-o-o-op!" I try and shout between gasps of air and laughter. The biggest grin played out on his face.

"Not until you say Batman's the best!" He says, knowing very well all my tickle spots, making me laugh so hard I was crying.

"Ne-ever!" I shout before I get myself to roll us both off the couch, me on top. The floor coated in buttery yellow popcorn. I also knew all of Josh's tickle spots using this to my advantages.

"Say it! Avengers is perfect!" I shout out over the loud laughs shaking from Josh. Before I knew what was happening his large hands grab my wrists, pulling me down to his lips, kissing me passionately. I couldn't help but kiss back. Our lips molded together perfectly, as Josh's hands slipped from my wrists to my hips. We rolled around on the floor making out while the rest of the movie played out on screen.

"Jessica." He whispered towering over me. 

"Yes?" I ask breathless. He leans into me, pressing his lips to my ear.

"You have a bit of popcorn in your hair." He then pulls a piece of popcorn from a strand of my blond hair. I lightly slap his chest and laugh. "Also, I love you." Josh said before kissing me again. 

"MY EYES! MY EYES!" David Stephens shouts as the rest of the band squeezes into the tour bus. My cheeks reddened as Josh pulls me up and wraps his arms around me.

"What is going on!?" Lou Cotton asks covering his eyes like the rest of the members. I feel Josh shake with laughter and I couldn't help but laugh to.

"I was admitting the fact that The Avengers is perfect." Josh says with a smile. I look up into his eyes matching the smile on his lips. "and so is Jessica." He whispered before kissing me softly.

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