Matt Nicholls and Alixia.

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I slid down the ramp off by one of the stages at Warped Tour. Doing many flips and jumps. Out of the corner of my eye I see a gorgeous guy staring at me.He distracted me so much that the skateboard flew out from under me. My long black waves flew around me before I fall lat on my back. I groan before I notice the sun being blocked by the gorgeous guy's head. Wait, gorgeous guy, was actually Matt Nicholls. How had I not noticed it before? Thank God I didn't or I probably would have broke an arm.

"Are you okay?" A thick British accent asks reaching a tattooed hand out to me. I simply nod with a smile. "You're really quite good." I bit my bottom lip trying to hide a bigger smile. My dimples becoming dominant as were my dimple piercings whenever I smiled. 

"Why thank you!" I reply picking myself up off the ramp. Nick never really stopped letting go of my hand as we continued to walk off the ramp toward the stage.

"Let me help fix up that nasty scratch." It wasn't until he pointed it out that I noticed my tattooed forearm was bleeding.

"Oh, you don't have too!" I insist, but he just brushes me off continuing to walk toward the back stage area. He quickly flashed an I.D. card and a body guard let us enter and walk behind the stage. We quickly passed by many of my favorite bands and I was in deep awe. I didn't want to fan girl but it was kind of hard not to do inside. Especially since my hand was laced into the one of my biggest crush. "So whatcha name?" Matt wondered aloud.

"Oh, I'm Alixia and you are Matt, the very talented drummer from BMTH." I reply with a knowing grin. He looks back at me with a smile on his lips and a tad bit of pink hinting at his cheeks.

"Ah, so you've heard of me have you?" He says pretty cocky. I laugh and nod. Soon we made our way to a large bus with Bring Me The Horizon written on the side. We made our way into the bus to find the guys sprawled out on the couch bantering back and forth.

"And who might this beautiful dame be?" Oliver asks with a sly smirk.

"Back off horn dog, she's with me." Matt replied making my cheeks heat up. As Matt continued to lead me through the bus Oli gives me a quick wink before I was led into a small bathroom. A cuboard was open and a first aid kit was pulled out. Matt held my arm in his strong hands applying antiseptics to it. "Really rather sorry you took such a spill." Matt said giving an apologetic look.

"Well it could have been worse. Thank God I still have a head on my shoulders." I say with a small laugh making Matt smile.

"You're a rather optimistic one eh?" I bit my lip smiling. "You cute when you smile. I like it." He commented making a grin appear greatly on my face. His eyes sparkled back at me.

"Thank you. Yours isn't too bad either." He smiled back at me cheekily. Before I knew it my forearm was fixed and wrapped. He gently leaned down to kiss the bandage. 

"All better." He whispered sweetly. My face felt red hot as I smiled back at him. "Listen, we don't have to leave town until tomorrow if you'd like to hang out for awhile?" 

"Sure, that sounds great." He wrapped his hand around mine as we walked off past the crowds and bands of Warped Tour. "I know an old park off around here." I said with a smile as we approached an abandon park. You had to bury your way through trees and bushes to get to it, so it was pretty private. A tall slide sat off to the right, a pair of monkey bars off in the back, and a set of two swings to the left. "Raise you to the swings!" I shout with a wink as I rush to the pair of swings. Nicholls beats me by a split second but doesn't waist a breath rubbing it in my face. As our legs pumped us higher on the swings into the hot air of the afternoon Matt threw a question in my direction.

"What does the winner get?" A smirk playing out on his lips and an eyebrow arched teasingly. As I swung I kicked my long legs out in front of me, my nose ring reflecting a bit of sun peeking behind a tall tree.

"I dunno." I reply childlike "What does the winner want?" 

"Ohh...I don't know.." He pretended to be deep in thought but I knew very well he knew what he wanted. "How 'bout a kiss?" I slowed down my swing, burying my heels into the dirt. I put my hand under my chin in the famous thinking pose. "Oh come on now!" I couldn't help but laugh at his expression.

"Well.. maybe one little kiss." I say teasingly and Matt pouts.

"Just a wee kiss?" He complains as I roll my eyes.

"You should be happy you're even getting a kiss!" I chuckle and I lean over and kiss his cheek softly. 

"That's it!?" He shouts and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Yep." I reply popping the p at the end. 

"That's not fair!" Matt groans as I stick my tongue out at him. 

"Oh? Did you want more?" I question with a smooth coy smile.

"Fucking yes I do."

"Well you'll just have to earn it." I say with a wink in his direction before smoothly walking towards the wooded forest.

"Where do you think you're going!?" He shouts after me and I smile to myself.

"You want that kiss don't you?" I looked over my shoulder to see him nod, speechless. "Well you're just going to have to find me to get it." I wander my way past trees and bushes, I could hear the soft footsteps of Matt behind me.

"Where in bloody hell are ya?" I hear him wonder aloud but decide to tease and keep quiet. I accidentally step on a twig creating a loud snap that echos out through the woods. I bite my lips and jump to hide behind a large tree. I peek my head around the side looking for Matt but not finding him. Oh god, I hope hes not lost. My thoughts were quickly interrupted by strong hands spinning me around before grabbing my wrists and pinning me to the tree. I met the sparkling eyes of Matt and a smirk playing on his lips. "Do I get that kiss now?" My cheeks blush and I cast my eyes down to our shoes. My lips are then connected with Matt's. The kiss was much softer than I expected and very loving. Our lips molded together softly and I felt my knees get weak. I felt Matt press into me more, letting go of my wrists, and sliding down to my hips as mine wrap around his neck. We pulled away, our foreheads pressed together. "Alixia?" He whispered against my skin.

"Yes?" I whisper back breathlessly.

"Be mine?" I smile to myself before replying with a yes and a passionate kiss.

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