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{a/n: Jace's name is pronounced "Jay-ss" oh and the first few chapters will be flashbacks and stuff and then it will be present time !!}


"Oh man, I can't believe Mr. Gregory's face when I cursed out Michael!" Jace squealed with laughter, walking along the curb, her arms out to balance her.

"I can't believe you cursed out the Michael Clifford!" Luke laughed, grabbing Jace's hand when she almost fell.

Jace shrugged, her auburn hair going along with her shoulders. She sighed. "I still can't believe I'm barely your height, even though I'm standing on this huge curb thingy," She muttered before yelling a "woah!" while she slipped. Luke caught her, right before she fell face first.

"Thank you Luke," She looked into his blue eyes. He stared back, not able to do anything. It was like he was paralyzed; he was breathing, but he couldn't move or speak. He couldn't even think straight.

"Yeah," He breathed out after a few seconds. He cleared his throat, averting from her gaze. "Yeah, um, yeah no problem."

They both continued to walk, laughing at each other's strangeness, but most of all enjoying, more like savoring, the calm, light mood. They loved moments like these; to them it was so special, so short, but savored fully by them.

They loved and cherished moments like these, moments of just joking, laughing, and caring about each other. It wasn't a deep conversation, no. It was just pointless things, but these pointless things ment so much to them. These pointless things distract themselves from their issues, and problems.

They're like bandaid and wound. They both need each other, for both are wounded. They're company is just enough to make each other smile, forgetting about the pain and unhappiness even just for a little while.

Even just for a few seconds.

Jace and Luke loved each other.

But, not for long.

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