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year 11 - almost end of school year

Luke's POV

Jace has started to talk to me again. We started off by saying simple Hello's and goodbye's in the hallways. Then, we soon started texting, which led to person to person conversations.

I'm slowly, but surely getting Jace back again. Her skin is less pale, her eyes sometimes have that sparkle on them. Her eyebags are gone now, and I'm starting to see less and less bruises each day.

We're almost super close again. Not quite.

"A weeebokab," Jace said, before laughing loudly. Her howl of laughter rang throughout the cafeteria, making almost every student stare at us.

I nervously looked around, picking at my sweater paws. "Jace, quiet down a bit." I whispered.

"Why?" She said loudly.

"People are looking." I mumbled, looking at my lap. She laughed again.

"Who cares?" She questioned. "I can be as loud as I want." She spoke louder.

I nodded, sighing in defeat. I don't know why, but I started to feel.. weird around her. She's being herself, and I know that, but.. she could dial it down a bit.

"Hey, Luke!" Calum, my friend walked over to us. He set his tray down, and sat in front of us.

"You coming to band rehearsal right?" He asked, his mouth full of his burger that he just bit.

"Band rehearsal? You're in a band?" Jace asked, her eyes widening.

I nodded. "Yeah-5 Seconds of Summer is what its called." I stated proudly.

She chuckled. "That's a dumb name."

"Michael came up with it," Calum laughed.

Jace gasped, turning to me. "Clifford? As in, the one who hates you and vice versa?"

I nodded. "I dont know, but something happened, and we're best friends now I guess."

Jace nodded. "Uh, so, can I come to tonight's rehearsal?"

"No," I quickly said, without even thinking. "Uh, no, I mean, we made a rule that girls or friends can't come cause we get distracted easily," I stumbled over his words.

"We did?" Calum questioned, furrowing his eyebrows.

I furiously nodded my head. "Yes, we did. " I emphasized.

"Okay..?" Calum muttered. "Well, I'm gonna go and see Michael. Bye guys!"

"Well, I'm bummed out I can't hear you guys. I bet you're awesome thought.. except for that band name." Jace giggled.

"Hey, I wanted to name the band Bromance." I stated proudly.

She broke into fits of giggles. "That's even worse Luke!"

I laughed along with her. Its good to have a friend back.



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