Chapter 11

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What am I going to do. The head chairman is gonna know that I don't go to this school and then I'm gonna be screwed. I sigh as I throw on a boys uniform that Rin-kun gave me. I'm so screwed.

I drag myself down the school hallway, everyone stops and stares at me as I walk past. There were whispers like, "She's so pretty." "That's a boys uniform." "So cool!" And stuff like that.


He stops walking ahead of me and turns around. "Yes?" He says with a grin.

"Are we going to the Head Chairman's office?"


"Ok. Thank you for showing me around." I look down at my feet. I am so nervous right now. I can't even speak.

"It's ok to be nervous on the first day." That was unexpected.

"I know that. But with all these people looking at me, it's kinda uncomfortable." I blush. Geez. Since when was I such a shy person?! I never blush! Rin stops walking.

"We're here."

The wooden doors were huge. At least 5 feet above my head. On the very top in big gold letters it says, 'Head Chairman'. Rin knocks on the door and it opens. Standing on the other side of it is a teenager with green hair made up into a point on the top of his head. This is the Chairman?

Rin starts to walk inside before I stop him. "Actually. Can I go by myself? You can go back to the classroom. I'm pretty sure I remember where it is." I give a thankful smile.

"Ok. If you need anything. Just call me." He smiles and heads back to the classroom.

I walk inside and find a chair turned backwards, facing the world outside the window. The chair turns around and a man with purple hair and a white top hat sits there with his head in his hands. Watching me as I step forward.

"So you must be the little angel that fell through the clouds yesterday." He smirked. Shocked, I don't say a word. How did he know I was an angel. Did he see me falling?

"It seems you are a very educated man." I smile. "Then do you know why an angel like me is here?"

"Perhaps on a mission?"

"Close enough. Let's just say I am a very important person and I need to do some very important things here." I feel as if I can trust this guy so I'm gonna give him hints. If he is what I think he is then he will figure out what I am. But if he doesn't, well then my guess was wrong.

He shoots up in his seat and bows down. "It seems we have royalty here in my academy," He smirks.

"Seems as if my secret has spilled," I also bow down. Knowing now that the man in front of me is a prince of the underworld. "I assume that the man behind me is a prince also." The purple haired man grins.

"So, my lord, what brings you to this particular academy?"

"I need to become stronger to kill the person who murdered my mother." I mutter. That was a little too hard to say.

He raises an eyebrow. "And who might this person be?"

"That. I cannot tell you."

"And you came to me because you want to attend this academy?"

"I would like to learn more about becoming an exorcist." At first I didn't know why I was here. But then I heard from Rin that they have an exorcist class. I need to become stronger if I'm gonna defeat him.

"I see." He pauses. "Well. You have my permission to stay here. Oh. We have extra girls uniforms in that closet over there." He points to a giant, two footed closet on his left.

"Thank you, chairman." I head over to the closet and pull out a small uniform. My body is pretty small for my age. I sigh.

"Just call me Mephisto." He smirks. Why does that sound so familiar.

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