Chapter 18

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"What?!" Rin exclaims. Making my eardrum ring.

I sniffle, trying to stop crying. I wipe my eyes and nose before speaking. "It's ok. I'm gonna get revenge sooner or later."

"I'm so sorry," Izumi mumbles.

I weakly giggle. "It's ok I said. Don't worry." I looked over at Rin. "Thank you for telling me this. I've been really hoping you'd tell me your secret. Now I know."

"Do you regret knowing? Will the relationship between us change?" He pouts.

"No it won't," I reassure.

"Should we tell everyone?" Izumo suggests.

"They'd probably just laugh," I pout.

"Hehe. Maybe. We could try. I mean it wouldn't hurt to try. At least I won't be the only special one here," Rin suggests.

"Ok. "

I drag myself out of the bedroom, following Izumo and Rin. I watch behind as Izumo laughs at something Rin had said. My face blushes red with jealousy. Quit thinking about him! He's not important. You're mother is more important than your love life. I try to convince myself. It wasn't working.

We walked down the steps and into the living room. Suguro and his two friends were sitting on a couch eating cereal. They were talking about, well, guy stuff I think.

Suguro stands up and shouts, "I'm gonna defeat Satan! Even if I die trying!" He puts his fist in the air like he was challenging someone to a fight.

This is gonna be a problem. "Excuse me. Suguro. I can't let you do that. I have to avenge my mother," I try to politely tell him.

I hear Rin whisper, "Uh, oh," under his breath.

"Yeah. Tell me 'bout it," I mumble back.

"What?! No! Get in line girly. We men have people to avenge!"

"Well, this angel has a mother to avenge!" I could feel my blood boiling.

Suguro's face was priceless. It shifted from anger to confusion. He had the funniest confusion look ever that I had to laugh. I laughed so hard that I had to craddle my stomach.

"Haha, very funny. You're not an Angel," he scoffs.

"Oh yeah? But don't angels have wings?" I fold my arms over my chest and lean on one leg.

"Pssh. You don't have wings!" he exclaims.

I smirk as my wings slowly rise from behind my back. The look of surprise on Suguro's face made me erupt in another fit of laughter.

"And I'm not just any Angel, I'm God."


"Oh? Still don't believe me?" I giggle.

"Yeah. God's supposed to be a guy."

"Everyone says that. My father was the previous God and so then he said he had to retire so he passed the role down to me. I wasn't supposed to reveal my identity, but, it's hard to keep a secret this big," I sweat drop.

"Well, even if you are God, that doesn't mean you can get your revenge. I've been waiting for the day to kill him for a long time. And I'm not just gonna give it up to some girl, claiming to be God. I'm sorry," I could see that he was actually sorry.

"Well, then let's have a competition. If you ever get a chance to fight Satan, do it. But if you don't win, then you lose."

"I guess I could work with that," he thinks about it for a minute. "How do I know that you are actually God," he squints his eyes at me.

"I could put you on the phone with my father, or I could do some magic for you," I suggest.

"Do some magic," he smirks, plops himself on the couch and folds his arm.

"Ok. What would you like me to do?" I ask.

"Um, make it snow in here," he smiles. "I love snow."

"Ok," A bright light forms around my body and I start floating up. The room went bright and then as I opened my eyes, it was suddenly really cold in here. The whole room was covered in white powder and I could see that everyone was huddled up together.

"Ok, take it away! It's too cold," Suguro exclaims from down below.

"Ok!" Another flash of light envolopes the room and the snow disappears as fast it appeared. I lower myself back to the ground and admired the stunned look of Suguro and his friends faces.

"Believe me now?" I smirk.

His friends (A/N totally forgot their names) both nodded their heads furiously.

"I can't believe I get to actually meet God! The person we rely and depend on!" one of them says in awe.

The last part made me kind of nervous. Everyone's relying on me and if I screw up infront of them, then it would be letting them down. And I can't have that happen.

"It's not what you thought it would be like, is it," I smile.

"Not at all. But it's kind of cool that you're a girl."

"Thanks. I think."

The day went by normally. Well, other than when we told everyone else who I was. I had to do a lot of tricks before I got everyone convinced. I fell asleep once my head touched my pillow. We talked about the Bible and the different levels of demons. We also learned how to summon our own demons to help us at our side. Today was a long day and a lot of weight is off my shoulders. Thank goodness. I think to myself. Good night everyone.

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