Episode 2

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Jaime Lannister: You're a bold man.

High Sparrow: On the contrary. I fear a great deal. The father, the mother, the warrior. Do you know why we use these stones? To remind us not to fear death. We close our eyes on this world and open them in the next.

Jaime Lannister: You must long for the next life.

High Sparrow: In truth, I fear that too.

Jaime Lannister: You imprisoned and humiliated my sister!

High Sparrow: Your sister sought the gods' mercy and atoned for her sin.

Jaime Lannister: What about my sins? I broke a sacred oath and stabbed my king in the back. I killed my own cousin. When the gods judged my brother guilty, I helped him escape that justice. What atonement do I deserve.

High Sparrow: You would spill blood in this holy place?

Jaime Lannister: The gods won't mind. They've spilled more blood than the rest of us combined.

High Sparrow: Go on then. I deserve it. We all do. We are weak, vain creatures. We live only by the mother's mercy.

Jaime Lannister: They should be closer if you mean for them to save you.

High Sparrow: I don't. They'd never reach me before you struck.

Jaime Lannister: I've fought against worse odds.

High Sparrow: No doubt many of us would fall. But who are we? Hm? We have no names, no family, everyone one of us is poor, powerless, and yet together we can overthrow an empire.

Alliser Thorne: You fucking traitor!

Eddison Tollet: The only traitors here are the ones who shoved their knives into their Lord Commander's heart.

Alliser Thorne: For thousands of years, the Night's Watch has held Castle Black against the Wildlings.

Tormund Giantsbane: Until you.

Tyrion Lannister: (to the dragons) I'm friends with your mother. I'm here to help. Don't eat the help. When I was a child, an uncle asked what gift I wanted for my name day. I begged him for one of you. "It wouldn't even have to be a big dragon," I told him. "It could be little...like me." Everyone laughed like it was the funniest thing they had ever heard. Then my father told me the last dragon had died a century ago. I cried myself to sleep that night....But here you are. (to Varys) Next time I have an idea like that...punch me in the face.

Balon Greyjoy: Let me pass. You fool, move aside for your king.

Euron Greyjoy: Haven't I always, brother? 

Balon Greyjoy: I thought you'd be rotting under some foreign sea by now.

Euron Greyjoy: What is dead may never die. Has the custom changed since I've been gone? Aren't you supposed to repeat the words?

Balon Greyjoy: You can mock our god without my help.

Euron Greyjoy: I don't mock the Drowned God. I am the Drowned God. From Oldtown to Qarth, when men see my sails, they pray. You're old, brother. You've had your time. Now, let another rule.

Balon Greyjoy: I heard you lost your mind during a storm on the Jade Sea. They tied you to the mast to keep you from jumping overboard.

Euron Greyjoy: They did.

Balon Greyjoy: And when the storm passed, you cut out their tongues.

Euron Greyjoy: I needed silence. 

Balon Greyjoy: What kind of an ironborn loses his senses during a storm?

Euron Greyjoy: I am the storm, brother. The first storm and the last. And you're in my way.

Davos Seaworth: I assume you know why I'm here.

Melisandre: I will when you tell me.

Davos Seaworth: It's about the Lord Commander.

Melisandre: The former Lord Commander.

Davos Seaworth: Does he have to be?

Melisandre: What are you asking?

Davos Seaworth: Do you know of any magic that could help him? Bring him back.

Melisandre: If you want to help him, leave him be.

Davos Seaworth: Can it be done?

Melisandre: There are some with this power.

Davos Seaworth: How?

Melisandre: I don't know.

Davos Seaworth: Have you seen it done?

Melisandre: I met a man who came back from the dead, but the priest who did it...it shouldn't have been possible.

Davos Seaworth: But it was. It could be, now.

Melisandre: Not for me.

Davos Seaworth: Not for you? I saw you drink poison that should've killed you. I saw you give birth to a demon, made of shadows.

Melisandre: Everything I believed, the great victory I saw in the flames, all of it was a lie. You were right all along. The Lord never spoke to me.

Davos Seaworth: Fuck him, then. Fuck all of them. I'm not a devout man, obviously. Seven gods, drowned gods, tree gods, it's all the same. I'm not asking the Lord of Light for help. I'm asking the woman who showed me that miracles exist.

Melisandre: I never had this gift.

Davos Seaworth: Have you ever tried?

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