Episode 3

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Davos Seaworth: Easy, easy! Easy. What do you remember?

Jon Snow: They stabbed me. Olly... he put a knife in my heart. I shouldn't be here.

Davos Seaworth: The Lady brought you back.

Melisandre: Afterwards... after they stabbed you, after you died. Where did you go? What did you see?

Jon Snow: Nothing. There was nothing at all.

Melisandre: The Lord let you come back for a reason. Stannis was not the Prince who was Promised, but someone has to be.

Davos Seaworth: Could you give us a moment? (she leaves) You were dead... and now you're not. And it's completely fucking mad, seems to me. I can only imagine how it seems to you.

Jon Snow: I did what I thought was right. And I got murdered for it. Now I'm back. Why?

Davos Seaworth: I don't know. Maybe we'll never know. What does it matter? You go on. You fight as long as you can, you clean up as much of the shit as you can.

Jon Snow: I don't know how to do that. I thought I did, but... I failed.

Davos Seaworth: Good. Now, go fail again.

Bran Stark: That's my father.

Three-eyed Raven: And that man beside him is Howland Reed, Meera's father.

Bran Stark: Ser Arthur Dayne.

Three-eyed Raven: The Sword of the Morning.

Bran Stark: My father said he was the best swordsman he ever saw.

Arthur Dayne: Lord Stark.

Ned Stark: I looked for you on the Trident.

Arthur Dayne: We weren't there.

Gerold Hightower: Your friend, the Usurper, would lie beneath the ground if we had been.

Ned Stark: The Mad King is dead. Rhaegar lies beneath the ground. Why weren't you there to protect your prince?

Arthur Dayne: Our prince wanted us here.

Ned Stark: Where's my sister?

Arthur Dayne: I wish you good fortune in the wars to come. And now it begins.

Ned Stark: No. Now it ends.

Bran Stark: (about Arthur Dayne) He's better than my father.

Three-eyed Raven: Far better.

Bran Stark: My father beat him.

Three-eyed Raven: Did he?

Bran Stark: I know he did. I heard the story a thousand times. (Howland stabs Dayne in the neck) He stabbed him in the back. (Ned kills Dayne then starts running towards the tower) What's in the tower?

Three-eyed Raven: That's enough for one day. We visit again another time.

Bran Stark: I want to see where he's going.

Three-eyed Raven: Time to go.

Bran Stark: Father!

Ramsay Bolton: The Umbers are a famously loyal house.

Harald Karstark: Famously loyal to the Starks.

Smalljon Umber: And you, Lord Karstark, your people share blood with the Starks, don't they? But here we are. Times change.

Ramsay Bolton: When my father became Warden of the North, your house refused to pledge their banners.

Smalljon Umber: Your father was a cunt.

Ramsay Bolton: My beloved father, the Warden.

Smalljon Umber: Your father was a cunt and that's why you killed him. I might've done the same to my father have he hadn't done me the favour of dying on his own.

Ramsay Bolton: My father was poisoned by our enemies.

Smalljon Umber: Hmm.

Ramsay Bolton: Why have you come to Winterfell, Lord Umber?

Smalljon Umber: The bastard Jon Snow let an army of wildlings past the Wall. We're farther North than any of you fuckers. Wildlings come down, we always have to fight them first. I like fighting wildlings, been doing it all my life. But there are too many of them for us to beat back alone.

Ramsay Bolton: So now you've come seeking help.

Smalljon Umber: We need to help each other. The colder it gets, the farther south those goat fuckers will roam. Won't take 'em long to get here.

Ramsay Bolton: You think a horde of wildlings can take Winterfell?

Smalljon Umber: If they got Jon Snow leading them, maybe. He knows this place better than we ever will.

Ramsay Bolton: Pledge your banners to House Bolton. Swear loyalty to me as Warden of the North, and we will fight together to destroy the bastard and all his wildling friends.

Smalljon Umber: I'm not kissing your fucking hand.

Ramsay Bolton: Traditionally a bannerman kneels before his lord.

Smalljon Umber: I'm not doing that either.

Ramsay Bolton: Why would I trust a man who won't honor tradition?

Smalljon Umber: Your father honoured tradition. Knelt for Robb Stark, called him King of the North. Was Robb Stark right to trust your father?

Ramsay Bolton: Then it appears we're at a bit of an impasse.

Smalljon Umber: Fuck kneeling and fuck oaths. I've got a gift for you.

Ramsay Bolton: A girl, I hope. I prefer redheads.

Smalljon Umber: A girl, aye. A wild one. (they bring in two people with hoods on, one of them is revealed to be Osha)

Ramsay Bolton: I like them wild.

Smalljon Umber: And the boy. Nice and young. The way Karstark likes them.

Ramsay Bolton: Who is this?

Smalljon Umber: Rickon Stark.

Ramsay Bolton: How do I know that's Rickon Stark? (Smalljon puts the head of Shaggydog on the table) Welcome home, Lord Stark.

Jon Snow: If you have any last words, now is the time.

Bowen Marsh: You shouldn't be alive. It's not right.

Jon Snow: Neither was killing me.

Othell Yarwick: My mother's still living at White Harbor. Could you write her? Tell her I died fighting the wildlings.

Alliser Thorne: I had a choice, Lord Commander. Betray you or betray the Night's Watch. You brought an army of wildlings into our lands. An army of murderers and raiders. If I had to do it all over knowing where I'd end up, I pray I'd make the right choice again.

Jon Snow: I'm sure you would, Ser Alliser.

Alliser Thorne: I fought, I lost. Now I rest. But you, Lord Snow, you'll be fighting their battles forever.

(Jon hangs them)

Eddison Tollett: We should burn the bodies.

Jon Snow: You should. (Jon gives Eddison his cloak)

Eddison Tollett: What do you want me to do with this?

Jon Snow: Wear it. Burn it. Whatever you want. You have Castle Black. My watch is ended.

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