Episode 6

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Blood of My Blood

High Sparrow: Lord Tyrell. Ser Jaime.

Jaime Lannister: Sorry to interrupt. We're here for Queen Margaery and Ser Loras Tyrell. Give them to us, and we'll be on our way.

High Sparrow: I don't have the authority to give them to you. And you don't have the autority to take them.

Jaime Lannister: I speak for King Tommen of House Baratheon, first of his name.

High Sparrow: The Gods don't recognize his authority in this matter.

Jaime Lannister: You've already insulted one Great House. It won't happen twice. Every last Sparrow will die before Margery Tyrell walks down that street.

High Sparrow: To die in the service of the Gods would please each and every one of us. We yearn for it. But, there is no call for it today. There will be no Walk of Atonement. Queen Margaery has already atoned for her sins, by bringing another into the true light of the Seven. Together we announce a new age of harmony. A Holy alliance, between the Crown and the Faith.

Tommen Baratheon: The Crown and the Faith are the twin pillars on which the world rests. Together, we will restore the Sever Kingdoms to glory.

Mace Tyrell: What's happening?

Olenna Tyrell: He's beaten us! That's what happening.

Walder Frey: You've lost it?!

Walder Rivers: Yes father.

Walder Frey: It's a castle, not a bloody sheep. Presumably you still know where it is? You didn't lose Riverrun, you let the Blackfish take it from you!

Lothar Frey: He surprised us. He knows the castle better than anyone.

Walder Frey: You did lose the Blackfish after the Red Wedding. You had him right here in this hall and you let him leave. And when I told you to hunt him down and kill him, you couldn't find him! That's what it means to lose something! Now he's come back and taken Riverrun!

Walder Rivers: I don't think it's fair to blame us.

Walder Frey: For three hundred years, we kissed Tully boots, swore oaths to them and their stinking fish banners! Not again! Riverrun is ours! Take it back!

Lothar Frey: We don't have the men!

Walder Frey: We've gor ten times as many men as the damned Blackfish!

Walder Rivers: The Mallisters have risen against us, and the Blackwoods!

Lothar Frey: The Brotherhood Without Banners is rallying the commoners against us, raiding our supply trains and camps!

Walder Rivers: Riverrun can with stand a siege for a year!

Walder Frey: If I want excuses, I'll put her in charge! They're laughing at us! All across the Riverlands, right down to King's Landing, they're laughing at us! I hear it in my sleep! I'm not dead yet, unfortunately for you! And I'll not leave this world until they all choke on that laughter! Take that castle back!

Lothar Frey: He'll never yield, Father.

Walder Frey: Oh, he'll yield. You'll show him the knife you used to kill Robb Stark's child in its whore mother's belly and you'll show him the knife you used to open his niece's throat. And you'll remind him who it was that got married at the Red Wedding in the first place! His nephew. (the guards bring Edmure Tully in) Cheer up, Lord Edmure. You're going home.

Daenerys Targaryen: Every khal who ever lived chose three bloodriders, to fight beside him and guard his way. But I am not a khal. I will not choose three bloodriders. I choose you all! I will ask more of you than any khal ever asked of his khalasar! Will you ride the wooden horses across the black salt sea? Will you kill enemies in their iron suits and tear down their stone houses? Will you give me the Seven Kingdoms, the gift Khal Drogo promised me before the Mother of Mountains? Are you with me? Now and always?

Dothraki: Khaleesi! Khaleesi! Khaleesi!

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