Chapter 17: Full Of Surprises

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Chapter 17:

   I sat between Harry and Louis. Louis kept poking my cheeks and touching my mustache necklace. Harry was making small talk with Kayla. The driver told us, for our sake, the mall we were going to was 3 hours away. I began to get a little tired after 30 minutes of being poked and playing Rock, Paper, Scissors with Louis.

   "Lou, I'm gonna take a nap..." I said. 

   "Me too...." He yawned and leaned against the window. I then leaned my head against Harry's shoulder. He rejected me. I simply leaned my head on his shoulder, and what does he do? He shrugs his shoulder and tells me 'not now.' Heart broken that he'd rather talk to Kayla than cuddle with me, his girlfriend, I lean against Louis' shoulder. He gave me a confused sleepy look. I gesture towards Harry. He nodded and placed a hand around me.

   Even though I was still nervous to be around Louis since my dreams, he was being more of a friend than Harry. Normally, I would've walked 5 feet away from Louis, but all I needed was human comfort. I let my sleep envolpe me after a few minutes.

---45 Minutes Later---

   I woke up to the sound of horns. I looked around and noticed everyone had fallen asleep. Including Kayla and Harry. Kayla had her head on Harry's shoulder and he had his head on hers. I quietly sighed. I heard shuffling and soon, Eleanor, Amber and Niall were up.

   "Millz are you okay?" I heard Eleanor ask. 

   "No, Harry didn't let me put my head on his shoulder but let Kayla." I whispered. I heard more shuffling. The car stopped at a red light. I suddenly saw Amber and Eleanor exchange some glances and stand up.

   "Switch spots with me, you can talk to Niall while the rest of us sleep." I stood up and did as told. Soon enough, Eleanor was sitting between Harry and Louis, Amber was sitting next to Austin, and I was sitting next to Niall. After a while, the girls soon crashed and fell back asleep.

   "So what do you wanna talk about, Love?" Niall asked. I shrugged my shoulders and looked down. Should I really be bringing my useless love problems to Niall? I mean, I don't even know if he stopped liking me... I sighed and began.

   "Well, Harry was talking to Kayla for the past 30 minutes and completely ignoring me... Then when I got tired, I laid my head on his shoulder. He shrugged his shoulder to get me off and said 'not now' and continued to talk to Kayla. Then when I woke up, I turned and saw her head on his shoulder and his head on hers.... I just need some lovable comfort right now..." I said and lightly brushed my tears away. Niall wrapped an arm around me and rubbed circles on my back.

   "It's okay.... Let it all out," He whispered into my ear, sending shivers down my spine. I quietly cried for a few more minutes. After he made sure I was done, Niall whipped out his white iPhone and smiled. I gave him a questioning look.

   "Let's play Draw Something!" He said. I giggled and took out my black iPhone. We connected with each other and began to play. Being the gentlemen he is, he let me start off. I clicked start and chose something. Hm... Owl, slide, or clover. I smiled at the coincidence and clicked clover.

   "Okay, done!" I whispered. Niall clicked guess and began. He looked at a sloppy sketch of a clover. Normally, I would've drawn some artistically designed clover, but Niall kept trying to sneak peeks at me while I drew so I drew crap.

   "Hm..." Niall said. He began to drag the letters into the sockets. After a couple wrong guesses he finally gave up and began to whine. He would've just quit but he said we needed a good streak. My streak with Zayn was 42, being the artists we are.

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