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*Harry's POV*

   "Harry Styles, you are going to eat that muffin and you're going to like it!" I backed away from my best friend, who was continually throwing muffins at me. Tripping over Dusty the Awesome Cat, I landed on my bum. I knew this was the end. Eventually, she came up to me, straddling me on the floor. As she attempted to push the muffin into my mouth, I squirmed.

   "Milly, stop!" I exclaimed, pushing the twenty year-old off of me.

   "Aw, I made these just for you, Boo," Milly pouted. I bent over, pinching her cheeks.

   "Honey, I'm home!" Louis exclaimed he walked into the flat we shared in London. Milly was temporarily visiting, rooming in the extra bedroom. I walked over to Louis, hugging him in an awkward way. There was a cough.

   "Larry Stylinson! Next time I'm staying in Niall's flat!" Milly shrieked from the couch.

   "Hey, babe. Eleanor's coming over later, maybe you two can go shop-ping!" Louis exclaimed, breaking the word into two separate words. Milly gleamed, flashing us her pearly whites. She was finally allowed to not wear braces. Besides she kept breaking them by breaking all the rules.

   "Good thing she got her braces off. I'm tired of picking the jelly beans out of her teeth," Louis whispered. I chuckled, ruffling my best friend's hair. Milly walked into the kitchen, later screaming. Louis and I rushed in.

   "What happened?" I asked grabbing the nearby baseball bat.

   "Niall's eating my chips!" Milly exclaimed, pointing at the Irish boy on the floor. Niall sat criss-cross applesauce eating a bag of Dorito's. Milly flicked his forehead, growling. Suddenly the doorbell rang. Louis walked to get it.

   "So, when's Olivia coming over?" Niall asked, wriggling his eyebrows. Milly followed suit.

   "Later. We're going out for dinner," I said, leaving the room. Just as I turned the corner, I heard voices from the kitchen again. Standing extremely still, I prayed they wouldn't hear my breathing.

   "Olivia nearly broke my guitar the other day," Milly's accent came through.

   "I know, mine too," Niall answered.

   "And she keeps warning me to stay away from Harry. I just hope he's getting over me... Seriously though, Olivia is like a younger version fo Caroline," Milly stated. Niall's laughter erupted from the kitchen. Ignoring the conversation, I walked back into my room.

   Oh, if only Milly knew I wasn't getting over her.

*Milly's POV*

   "Ellie!" I exclaimed, hugging the brunette. Eleanor hugged me back, handing me a wrapped box.

   "Oooh, what's this?" I said, shaking the box.

   "It's a present since I you weren't here for New Years Eve," Eleanor smiled, nudging my shoulder.

   "Can I open?" I asked.

   "No, duh! Idiot. But you're our little idiot," Eleanor said, hugging my head.

   "Again! Do not hug my head! You and Louis always do that..." I said, tearing the snowflake wrapping off of the small square box. Opening the box, I found the most beautiful thing in the whole square world. I gasped.

   "Eleanor, it's beautiful! How much was it?" I quizzed, slipping on the beautiful charm bracelet. The letters, M, N, Z, L, E, H, A and P were engraved into it. Each letter stood for each of us, I just knew it. Especially since Perrie and Zayn had gotten back together. El and I totally flipped when he told us. I was glad the letter O wasn't on it.

   "Wait here!" I exclaimed, rushing into my room and taking the blue box out from under my bed. Walking back downstairs, I handed Eleanor the blue box, excited for her to open it. Slowly opening the box, Eleanor smiled.

   "What is this?" Eleanor asked, giggling.

   "Well, it's an iPad! Haven't you seen one! I already uploaded all the pictures of us as well as the boys onto it! And I already downloaded Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Oh, and Temple Run!" I exclaimed, excited.

   "I bought you something that costs like seventy-five dollars and you bought me something that costs like a thousand?" Eleanor said, shaking her head. I gleam. Suddenly, I remember Harry's present. Telling them I'll be right back, I leave.

   "Hazza, open the door!" I exclaim, knocking on Harry's door. Harry opens it allowing me to step in.

   "Being the best best friend in the world, I got you a New Years present!" I exclaim, handing him a purple box. I bounce on my toes as I watch Harry open the box. 

   "Is this an electronic picture frame? With us?" Harry asks. I nod, shrieking in excitement.

   "Wow... Thank you, Milly. You're the best vest friend anyone could ever ask for," Harry says, pulling me into a tight hug. I hug him back taking in the peppermint smell that comes with him. After a silence, Harry speaks.

   "Best Friends Forever."

   "And Ever." I add.

Tune In For The Sequel, Forever X Factor!

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