28:Walk of Shame flashback

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Song:Hills Remix:weeknd

Candy was sitting in her car parked in front of Mike's house she grabbed her purse and stepped out making her way
up to the door.

Pulling out her spare key she unlocked the door and walked inside. The smell of food filled her nose as she walked into the kitchen to see Mike shirtless standing by the stove.

"Smells good in here." Candy said.

Mike turned around surprised to see Candy.

"Well hey stranger thought you couldn't make it tonight." He grinned.

"I moved some stuff around." Candy told him as she took a seat at the bar stool behind the counter.

Mike looked at her.

"You hungry?" he asked.

Candy shook her head.

"I'm good I just came to see what you was talking about earlier today."

Mike raised his brow and grinned.

"Oh don't worry I got you hold on."

He walked out of the kitchen.

Candy made her way to the cabinet and grabbed a shot glass and a bottle of vodka and took two quick shots. It was already hitting her system.

Mike walks back in and places a orange pill bottle of the counter.

"Candy for more my Candy." he said.

She picked up the bottle eyes grew wide.

"Wait how did you get this?"

"I told you my guy Geo got another ship today."

Candy looked at Mike.

"I thought you were talkin about weed not pills."

Mike chuckled.

"Don't worry it's legit and low dosage. He opened the bottle and popped  a small pill.

Candy crosses her arms and thought about it.

"This just relaxes you right?" She questioned.

Mike nodded taking a shot of vodka.

Candy shrugged as Mike handed her a pill she popped it and washed it down with another shot.

Before she knew her body was feeling the full effects of booze and pills.


Later that night Candy woke up in a bed  the room was dark she felt the cool breeze on her naked body. She looked at the glowing green numbers on the clock and it was three in the morning.

"Shit." she muttuted.

Turning her head she seen Mike laying next to her asleep.

Quietly she crept out of bed grabbed her phone and shined her flashlight and started looking for her clothes she was able to find everything except her panties.

Once she was finished getting dressed Mike turned over.

Candy froze in the dark as he turned again and started snoring.

She looked at her phone and it was now four in the morning.

Once it was quiet Candy opened the door and was  about to walk out of the room.

"You leaving already sweet cheeks."

Candy turned surprised as Mike sat up and turned on the lamp beside him.

"Oh I gotta go it's late and I gotta get up early for work."

"You don't go to work until ten."

Candy looked confused.


"Doctors are given the schedules in advance." Mike explained.

Candy looked at him.

"What you thought I was going to kick you out or something." He joked.

Candy shook her head.

"No I got to get home like I said I got work and I want to get home and get some sleep before my kids wake up."

Mike's phone started to ring.

They both looked at eachother as it was ringing.

After the second third ring.

Candy took that as to make her exit and made her way downstairs and exited the house.

It was after five when Candy made it home the sun was about to rise in the sky.

Candy quietly made her way into the house.

Across the Tristan was walking out of his on his way to work Jerry was in a squad car waiting for him.

He got in and as they were to pull off.

He noticed Candy across the street going into the house.

So what y'all think?

I honestly don't have any other questions so just comment what y'all think.

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